


新德里:印度的名不见经传的软件即服务(SaaS)部门很可能成为一个难得的亮点对于投资者来说,尽管总体风险资本投资下降在2020年上半年,持续的重灾区Covid-19大流行。根据2020年版的贝恩资本(Bain & Co)的印度私人股本报告与印度私人股本和风险投资协会(IVCA),印度SaaS市场预计将增长大约50%每年超过200亿美元在2022年从2019年的约60亿美元。

该报告更广泛业务 策略印度的SaaS公司——目标企业和中小型企业(smb)在国内和全球市场,寻求利用大数据的公司,高级分析和机器学习转向软件基于云的需求。“在全球市场,这些公司能够提供高质量的产品与成本套利由于当地人才,从而满足要求高度的纵向一体化。他们也受益于增加数字渗透在垂直和采用smb在当地市场的增长,”报告表示。


数据保护公司今年6月,Druva位于浦那和加州,筹集了1.3亿美元的对冲基金为首的海盗全球投资者,将其价值超过10亿美元。此外,浦那西雅图和Icertis,它提供了企业合同管理软件,还加入了独角兽俱乐部一个月后,在一轮筹资1.15亿美元后由Greycroft PremjiInvest。“SaaS的投资价值升至13亿美元,超过去年的8.4亿美元增长60%。水平是亚节最大的商业软件,2019年交易量的增长,”报告表示。



NEW DELHI: India\u2019s unheralded Software-as-a-Service (SaaS<\/a>) sector is likely to emerge as a rare bright spot for investors, even as overall risk capital investments plunged in the first half of 2020, hit hard by the ongoing Covid-19<\/a> pandemic. According to the 2020 edition of Bain & Co\u2019s India Private Equity report<\/a>, co-authored with the Indian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (IVCA), the Indian SaaS market is expected to grow around 50% annually to over $20 billion in 2022 from about $6 billion in 2019.

The report credits the broader
business<\/a> strategy<\/a> of Indian SaaS companies \u2014 of targeting both enterprises and small and medium businesses (SMBs) across domestic and global markets, as companies seek to harness big data, advanced analytics and machine learning by turning to software on demand based in the cloud. \u201cIn the global markets, these companies are able to offer high-quality products with cost arbitrage due to local talent and thus satisfy the demand for a high degree of verticalisation. They are also benefitting from an increased digital penetration across verticals and a growing adoption of SMBs in the local market,\u201d the report stated.

The projection also comes at a time when enterprise technology companies, which have often played second fiddle to consumer technology ventures in the funding league tables, have raised significant amounts of capital in 2019, with a number of them being valued at $1 billion and upwards.