
2 g“骗局”是对UPA大规模宣传没有任何基础:印度

前总理曼莫汉•辛格(Manmohan Singh)的形象带来了沉重的打击,因为2 g频谱分配丑闻,周四表示,法院的判决举步维艰,所有指控证明了“大规模宣传对UPA没有任何基础”。

前总理曼莫汉•辛格(Manmohan Singh)说,他尊重法院的判决在2 g的情况已撤销对UPA所有宣传。



特别法庭无罪释放前电信部长拉贾,DMK议员Kanimozhi 2 g骗局和其他15,2011年震撼了电信行业和关键三年后上届政府的失败。

“反对派失败提供了证据,”法官OP赛尼说,他一直只处理2 g频谱的情况下引起诈骗。

2 g骗局污染国大党领导的团结进步联盟政府,发现它不可能摆脱腐败的标签和其他丑闻爆发。这催生一个反腐败运动,带来了Aam Aadmi聚会。印度人民党然后把它变成一个强大的活动板,帮助它击败UPA和骑在2014年掌权。

Former prime minister, Manmohan Singh<\/a> said he respected the court's judgment on the 2G case which has quashed all propaganda against UPA.

\"We respect the court's judgment.I don't want to boast anything. I think the court's judgment has to be respected, and I am glad that the court has pronounced unambiguously that all these massive propaganda that has been against the UPA was without any foundation, \" said the Congress veteran to agencies on Thursday.

\"The judgment speaks for itself,\" Singh added.