




调频说手机制造在印度增加5.8个单位的2014 - 15 - 31卢比的单位价值在2022 - 23日财政年度。“由于政府的各种措施,包括阶段性生产项目,移动生产在印度增加从5.8卢比的单位价值18900卢比在2014 - 15 - 31卢比的单位价值Rs 2, 75000卢比的在过去的财政年度,“Sitharaman说。

2022年是具有里程碑意义的一年为iPhone在印度组装。随着公司有史以来第一次开始生产的最新一代iphoneiPhone 14日,在印度推出后不久。苹果的印度制造业的故事可以追溯到2017年。iPhone SE(第一代)是第一个电话,该公司开始在印度制造纬创资通植物在卡纳塔克邦。自那以后,印度一直是苹果的生产线的一部分,但从未直到2022年最新一代的iphone。

最近,商务部部长和行业总裁Goyal称苹果“另一个成功的故事”,并表示,苹果公司正寻求在印度制造的25%的iphone。“他们(苹果)已经在约5 - 7%的制造业在印度。如果我没弄错的话,他们的目标是高达25%的制造业,”Goyal说。事实上,电信和部长Ashwini Vaishnaw在11月说,在印度制造苹果iPhone的最大单位会在Hosur班加罗尔附近。

三星Galaxy S23在印度
三星最近宣布,所有最新的旗舰智能手机系列的智能手机——星系S23——这将在印度出售将在诺伊达的生产工厂。三星就职在诺伊达的最大移动工厂在2018年。自那时以来,一些高端手机已经聚集在工厂,从三星Galaxy S9和星系注意9系列的智能手机。

\"Why<\/figure>Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman<\/a> announced in the Union Budget speech that the central government will exempt customs duty on imports of certain parts that are used in smartphones and remove the 2.5% customs duty on select parts of mobile camera phones. Following the announcement, a tax official has said that the move is likely to help smartphone companies like Apple<\/a> and Samsung<\/a> who are assembling high-end phones in India.

\u201cThe duty structure now encourages them (
phone manufacturers<\/a>) to import parts and assemble here. The duty changes will benefit all phone sectors. But it will also benefit the premium phone sector because if you see the cost of components, camera assembly contributes substantially,\" told V Rama Mathew, member of India's Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs, to news agency Reuters.

India saw increase in mobile production<\/strong>
The FM said that mobile phone manufacturing in India increased from 5.8 units in 2014-15 to 31 crore units valued at in 2022-23 financial year. \"As a result of the various initiatives of the government, including phased manufacturing programs, mobile production in India increased from 5.8 crore units valued at Rs 18,900 crore in 2014-15 to 31 crore units valued at Rs 2,75,000 crore in the last financial year,\" Sitharaman said.