

本月早些时候,印度电信部(DoT)成员(技术)K. Ramchand表示,将很快宣布拍卖5G频谱。这清楚地表明,采用5G技术现在是政府的优先事项。




总干事S.P. Kochhar中将,COAI他说:“5G技术将在商业模式方面开辟大量的可能性,并从整体上改善所有人的生活方式。我们寻求政府的支持,使该行业能够发挥其水平增长的推动者和促进国家经济的作用。5G的潜力是巨大的,可以改变印度的游戏规则,并成为政府公司“印度制造”、“数字印度”和“自力更生”等活动的催化剂。”

企业正处于与专注于技术技能和交钥匙解决方案的参与者合作的转折点,以提高效率并构建高效且面向未来的网络。Cyient总裁兼首席运营官Karthik Natarajan表示:“我们看到了在通信网络领域的重大投资。当前的数字化转型将增强用户体验,提高运营效率,并为企业业务带来竞争优势。我们在全球网络基础设施的设计、交付、部署、迁移和支持方面的经验使我们成为5G部署的理想合作伙伴。”


联发科印度董事总经理Anku Jain表示:“2020年为5G成为主流奠定了基础,到2021年,这也将导致对下一代5G智能手机、更新应用程序和智能设备(如智能电视、平板电脑、集成语音接口的手机等)的需求增加。”


New Delhi: As the world steps into a new decade, 2020 will be remembered as the most disruptive year in living memory. As the pandemic spread across the world, it was telecom networks and technology services that kept people connected.

4G networks managed to keep the global economy going despite widespread lockdowns. Though global economic activity was muted, people had access to health services, education, information and entertainment over the internet while at home. But for high-speed telecom services, the global economy would have been ravaged. Industry<\/a> experts say this has led to a mindset change to revive India's telecom story and also introduce future technologies faster.

Earlier this month K. Ramchand, Member (Technology), Department of Telecommunications (
DoT<\/a>) said that it would soon announce 5G spectrum bands<\/a> for auction. That's a clear indication that adopting 5G<\/a> is now a priority for the government. Most Indian telecom service providers currently lack the financial muscle to invest and build a 5G ecosystem, but the government has indicated that it is willing to start the process.