




CIIL主任Shailendra Mohan表示,CIIL和辜朝明之间的谅解备忘录是为了确保社交媒体,特别是辜朝明App的使用具有口头/文本卫生,并且没有不恰当的语言和滥用。鼓励古永锵为社交媒体帖子创造一个愉快和安全的环境。


“作为一个独特的社交媒体平台,让印度人能够跨多种语言参与和联系,我们寻求通过加强生态系统来增强我们的用户,以便以有效的方式遏制在线误用和滥用。我们希望我们的用户能够利用这个平台与不同语言文化的人进行有意义的交流。我们很高兴与著名的印度语言中央学院合作,建立这个语料库,让互联的世界更加安全、值得信赖和可靠互联网Koo App的联合创始人兼首席执行官Aprameya Radhakrishna说。Koo目前支持9种语言,并计划很快覆盖所有22种印度官方语言。

The Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL<\/a>) in Mysore has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU<\/a>) with Bombinate Technologies<\/a>, the holding company for micro-blogging platform Koo<\/a> to clamp down on the misuse and abuse of social media and promote fair use of language. They will work jointly to strengthen its content moderation policies and help users stay safe and secure online.

Through the collaboration, CIIL will create a corpus of expressions including words, phrases, abbreviations and acronyms that are considered offensive or sensitive across 22 languages of the VIII scheduled of the Constitution of India. In turn, the
Koo App<\/a> will share relevant data to create the corpus and provide technological support to build interfaces that will host the corpus for public access. This is a long-term collaboration for developing responsible use of Indian languages on social media and it will be valid for two years by providing users with a secure and immersive networking experience across languages.

Shailendra Mohan, Director, CIIL said that the MoU between CIIL and Koo is an effort towards ensuring that the use of social media, particularly the Koo App, comes with verbal\/ textual hygiene and it is free of inappropriate language and abuse. Encouraging this initiative of Koo towards creating a pleasant and safe environment for social media posts.