


电视拉马钱德兰 印度总统,宽带论坛

Backhaul is a crucial network element: Mobile telecommunications are the preferred mode of communication in both developing and developed economies and mobile technologies have evolved from 2G to 3G to 4G and recently to even 5G. These generations have successively enhanced considerably the data capability in the small sub-networks at the edge of the network, i.e., between the mobile handset or customer device and the nearest cellsite. With this, the aggregated data traffic at a cellsite from all the connected devices has become heavier and heavier. This aggregated traffic from several nodes\/sites in a cluster is taken to a point of aggregation from where it is backhauled to the BSC or Node B or directly to the Core Network. Typically, in the case of 2G and 3G Networks, the traffic at the aggregation node was of the order of tens of MB (Mega bytes). Hence this requirement could be satisfactorily managed by Microwave technologies. In the case of 4G\/LTE Networks, the typical traffic capacity required at the point of aggregation was a few hundreds of MB. To manage this, optic fibre backhaul had to be introduced in more locations. With the advent of 5G, the backhaul capacities are expected to be of the order of GB (Giga bytes) and this would necessitate about 80% of the cellsites to be fiberized.

However, the challenge would come in the rural and difficult-to-access areas where it is extremely difficult to roll out terrestrial technologies and these are not also techno-economically feasible. It is here that Satcom can play a vital role as it does not have to contend with such issues. In today\u2019s world, the importance of satellite communications, especially for mobile backhaul cannot be overstated.

There are similar challenges for the proliferation of Public WiFi Hotspots, which is direly required in India since we have less than 1% of the global norm for such hotspots. 70% of India being rural, this becomes a golden opportunity to serve the WiFi backhaul needs through satellite.

Unfortunately, when the word satellite is mentioned, everyone views it erroneously as an intrinsically expensive solution or technology in the context of the overall telco ecosystem. Most do not realise that as one rolls out a terrestrial network to more and more remote and difficult to access areas, the costs go up exponentially and that is why operators do not find it economical to service those areas. Due to this, satcom becomes increasingly a viable and cost-effective solution for mobile backhaul in such areas. With the recent TEC\/DoT specification for satcom modernising the situation through permission for the use of highly advanced satcom technologies, viz. HTS (High Throughput Satellites), all orbital categories of satellites \u2013 GSOs and NGSOs, new spectrum bands \u2013 Ka, Q and other bands, modern antennas, no cap on data speeds etc., soon cost-effective offerings would become possible. It should be noted that the Hon\u2019ble TRAI\u2019s Recommendations to Licensor to grant permission to satcom for Mobile and WiFi backhaul have already been provisioned in the new specifications, after exhaustive studies and deep Consultations.

The above action of Government would help boost broadband penetration expeditiously through satellites all over India. Many of the top economies of the world viz. USA, China, Canada, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Brazil, etc. use Broadband from Communication Satellites. The USA, despite being one of the most wired broadband countries, with also close to 80% fiberisation of towers, has one of the the highest rates of deployment of Satellite based broadband. India, with its huge geographic spread, inaccessible terrains, remote villages and huge challenges of Right of Way (RoW), needs Satellite broadband many times more than several of these named countries.

The table below shows the Number of Satcom Connections\/Mn POP \u2013 Comparison of India vis-\u00e0-vis Other Developed Countries. We are only one-third of Asia and lag way behind the USA and EU, which, though highly fiberized regimes, are 70 and 20 times the satcom connectivity of India.

Country\/Region<\/strong><\/td> TOTAL No. OF SATELLITE CONSUMERS <\/strong>
(Direct Consumers) in Mn<\/strong><\/td>
(Enterprise Consumers) <\/strong>
in Mn<\/strong><\/td>
(including Direct + Enterprise)<\/strong>
in Mn<\/strong><\/td>
in Mn<\/strong><\/td>
TOTAL No. OF SATELLITE CONNECTIONS per Mn POP<\/strong><\/td> <\/tr>
US<\/strong><\/td> 2.1<\/td> 2.6<\/td> 4.7<\/td> 330<\/td> 0.0140<\/td> <\/tr>
EU<\/strong><\/td> 1.0<\/td> 1.1<\/td> 2.1<\/td> 450<\/td> 0.0040<\/td> <\/tr>
Asia (incl. China, Japan, Korea & India)<\/strong><\/td> 1.4<\/td> 1.6<\/td> 3.0<\/td> 4500<\/td> 0.0006<\/td> <\/tr>
India<\/strong><\/td> NIL<\/td> 0.3<\/td> 0.3<\/td> 1300<\/td> 0.0002<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table>

Satcom Connections\/Mn POP \u2013 Comparison of India vis-\u00e0-vis Other Developed Countries<\/strong><\/em>
(Source: NSR 2019 www.nsr.com & TRAI Subscription Data for India December 2019)<\/strong><\/em>

While cellular backhauling is a highly important use case of satellite connectivity, with proven effectiveness in extending the reach of mobile connectivity to rural and remote areas, the advances in mobile technologies with the advent of 5G brings about new promising and innovative use cases for satellite connectivity. The earlier mentioned new TEC Standard \/Specifications for Interface Requirements for Fixed Satellite Services demolish the erstwhile artificial restrictions on carrier speeds, data rates, antenna sizes, use of Ka Band, etc. This shall now pave the way for supporting all types of Cellular and WiFi Backhaul requirements in future.

As per global estimates, one in every four USD in Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) satellite capacity revenues will be generated from 5G by the end of the decade. With 3GPP also including in its 5G specifications, the NR 5G radio interface that can connect to satellites directly, thus, going forward, we can expect market for an integrated satellite and terrestrial network infrastructure in the context of 5G. These developments also point towards the convergence of terrestrial and Satellite services. With the emergence of high capacity satellites viz. HTS and the low latency\/high bandwidth satellite communication services envisaged using LEO and MEOs, the challenge of cellular connectivity in rural, remote and geographically challenged terrains would also get solved, thereby laying the foundation of a truly ubiquitous, affordable and quality broadband network everywhere aligned to Hon\u2019ble PM\u2019s vision of Digital India and Broadband for All.

It only remains to secure the acceptance of the TRAI Recommendations by the highest policy making body in the country in communications, namely, the Digital Communications Commission, for enabling satellite based cellular & WiFi backhaul as a mainstream service for all operators benefiting rural consumers as well as the industry.","blog_img":"","posted_date":"2021-06-30 14:22:11","modified_date":"2021-06-30 15:22:36","featured":"0","status":"Y","seo_title":"Leveraging Satcom to propel mobile & WiFi backhaul","seo_url":"leveraging-satcom-to-propel-mobile-wifi-backhaul","url":"\/\/www.iser-br.com\/tele-talk\/leveraging-satcom-to-propel-mobile-wifi-backhaul\/4993","url_seo":"leveraging-satcom-to-propel-mobile-wifi-backhaul"}">

回程是一个至关重要的网络元素:移动通信交流的首选模式在发展中经济体和发达经济体和移动技术已经进化从2 g到3 g, 4 g,甚至最近5克。这些代先后大大增强数据能力的小子网在网络的边缘,即。手机或客户之间的设备和最近的cellsite。,聚合数据流量在cellsite从所有连接设备变得越来越重的。这个聚合交通从几个节点/网站集群是采取的聚合点,埋没的二元同步通信或节点B或直接到核心网络。通常,在2 g和3 g网络的情况下,聚合节点的交通秩序的MB(兆字节)。因此这个需求可以令人满意地由微波技术。在4 g LTE网络,典型的交通容量要求的聚合是几百MB。管理,光纤回程中引入更多的位置。随着5克,回程的能力将GB(千兆字节)的订单,这将需要大约80%的cellsites纤维化。



不幸的是,当卫星提到这个词,每个人都认为这错误本质上作为一个昂贵的解决方案或技术在整个电信的背景下生态系统。最没有意识到作为一个推出地面网络越来越偏远和难以访问地区,成本上升,这就是为什么运营商不觉得这些地区经济服务。因此,卫星通信变得越来越可行的和具有成本效益的解决方案等领域的移动回程。最近TEC /点规范卫星通信现代化情况通过许可使用高度先进的卫星通信技术,即高温超导(高吞吐量的卫星),所有轨道类别的卫星——静止和NGSOs,新的频谱乐队——Ka,问和其他乐队,现代天线,没有上限的数据速度等,具有成本效益的产品很快就会成为可能。应该注意的是,鸿'ble火车的建议,许可方授予权限为移动卫星通信和无线回程已经供应新规范,经过详尽的研究和深入磋商。

上述行动的政府会帮助提高宽带普及率迅速通过卫星在印度。世界许多顶级经济体即美国、中国、加拿大、日本、德国、英国、法国、意大利、巴西等使用宽带的通信卫星。美国,尽管是最有线宽带的国家之一,也接近80% fiberisation塔,有一个最高的部署的基于卫星宽带。印度,以其巨大的地理分布,难以接近的地形,偏远的村庄和巨大挑战的方式(行),需要多次卫星宽带超过这些命名的几个国家。

下表显示了卫星通信连接的数量/ Mn流行——比较印度相对于其他发达国家。我们只是三分之一的亚洲和方式落后于美国和欧盟,尽管高度纤维化政权,70和20倍卫星通信连接印度。

国家/地区 总没有。卫星的消费者
我们 2.1 2.6 4.7 330年 0.0140
欧盟 1.0 1.1 2.1 450年 0.0040
亚洲(包括中国、日本、韩国、印度) 1.4 1.6 3.0 4500年 0.0006
印度 0.3 0.3 1300年 0.0002

卫星通信连接/ Mn流行——比较印度相对于其他发达国家
(资料来源:NSR 2019年www.nsr.com &火车订阅数据对印度2019年12月)

虽然细胞回程是非常重要的用例的卫星连接,与证明有效性将触角延伸到移动连接农村和偏远地区,移动技术的进步与5 g的出现带来了新的希望和创新性的用例卫星连接。前面提到的新TEC固定卫星服务标准/规范接口要求拆除的人工载体速度限制,数据速率,天线尺寸,使用Ka波段等。现在这将为支持所有类型的细胞和无线回程需求在未来。

作为全球估计,每一个在每4美元在固定卫星服务(FSS)卫星能力收入将来自5 g的最后十年。与3 gpp还包括5 g的规格,NR 5 g无线接口,可以直接连接到卫星,因此,展望未来,我们可以期待的一个集成的卫星和地面网络基础设施市场5 g的上下文。这些进展也指向地面和卫星服务的融合。随着高容量的出现卫星即高温超导和低延迟/高带宽使用狮子座和meo卫星通信服务的设想,细胞连接在农村的挑战,远程和地理地形挑战也将得到解决,从而奠定的基础真的无处不在,负担得起的和无处不在的宽带网络质量一致鸿'ble点印度的数字观和宽带。



Backhaul is a crucial network element: Mobile telecommunications are the preferred mode of communication in both developing and developed economies and mobile technologies have evolved from 2G to 3G to 4G and recently to even 5G. These generations have successively enhanced considerably the data capability in the small sub-networks at the edge of the network, i.e., between the mobile handset or customer device and the nearest cellsite. With this, the aggregated data traffic at a cellsite from all the connected devices has become heavier and heavier. This aggregated traffic from several nodes\/sites in a cluster is taken to a point of aggregation from where it is backhauled to the BSC or Node B or directly to the Core Network. Typically, in the case of 2G and 3G Networks, the traffic at the aggregation node was of the order of tens of MB (Mega bytes). Hence this requirement could be satisfactorily managed by Microwave technologies. In the case of 4G\/LTE Networks, the typical traffic capacity required at the point of aggregation was a few hundreds of MB. To manage this, optic fibre backhaul had to be introduced in more locations. With the advent of 5G, the backhaul capacities are expected to be of the order of GB (Giga bytes) and this would necessitate about 80% of the cellsites to be fiberized.

However, the challenge would come in the rural and difficult-to-access areas where it is extremely difficult to roll out terrestrial technologies and these are not also techno-economically feasible. It is here that Satcom can play a vital role as it does not have to contend with such issues. In today\u2019s world, the importance of satellite communications, especially for mobile backhaul cannot be overstated.

There are similar challenges for the proliferation of Public WiFi Hotspots, which is direly required in India since we have less than 1% of the global norm for such hotspots. 70% of India being rural, this becomes a golden opportunity to serve the WiFi backhaul needs through satellite.

Unfortunately, when the word satellite is mentioned, everyone views it erroneously as an intrinsically expensive solution or technology in the context of the overall telco ecosystem. Most do not realise that as one rolls out a terrestrial network to more and more remote and difficult to access areas, the costs go up exponentially and that is why operators do not find it economical to service those areas. Due to this, satcom becomes increasingly a viable and cost-effective solution for mobile backhaul in such areas. With the recent TEC\/DoT specification for satcom modernising the situation through permission for the use of highly advanced satcom technologies, viz. HTS (High Throughput Satellites), all orbital categories of satellites \u2013 GSOs and NGSOs, new spectrum bands \u2013 Ka, Q and other bands, modern antennas, no cap on data speeds etc., soon cost-effective offerings would become possible. It should be noted that the Hon\u2019ble TRAI\u2019s Recommendations to Licensor to grant permission to satcom for Mobile and WiFi backhaul have already been provisioned in the new specifications, after exhaustive studies and deep Consultations.

The above action of Government would help boost broadband penetration expeditiously through satellites all over India. Many of the top economies of the world viz. USA, China, Canada, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Brazil, etc. use Broadband from Communication Satellites. The USA, despite being one of the most wired broadband countries, with also close to 80% fiberisation of towers, has one of the the highest rates of deployment of Satellite based broadband. India, with its huge geographic spread, inaccessible terrains, remote villages and huge challenges of Right of Way (RoW), needs Satellite broadband many times more than several of these named countries.

The table below shows the Number of Satcom Connections\/Mn POP \u2013 Comparison of India vis-\u00e0-vis Other Developed Countries. We are only one-third of Asia and lag way behind the USA and EU, which, though highly fiberized regimes, are 70 and 20 times the satcom connectivity of India.

Country\/Region<\/strong><\/td> TOTAL No. OF SATELLITE CONSUMERS <\/strong>
(Direct Consumers) in Mn<\/strong><\/td>
(Enterprise Consumers) <\/strong>
in Mn<\/strong><\/td>
(including Direct + Enterprise)<\/strong>
in Mn<\/strong><\/td>
in Mn<\/strong><\/td>
TOTAL No. OF SATELLITE CONNECTIONS per Mn POP<\/strong><\/td> <\/tr>
US<\/strong><\/td> 2.1<\/td> 2.6<\/td> 4.7<\/td> 330<\/td> 0.0140<\/td> <\/tr>
EU<\/strong><\/td> 1.0<\/td> 1.1<\/td> 2.1<\/td> 450<\/td> 0.0040<\/td> <\/tr>
Asia (incl. China, Japan, Korea & India)<\/strong><\/td> 1.4<\/td> 1.6<\/td> 3.0<\/td> 4500<\/td> 0.0006<\/td> <\/tr>
India<\/strong><\/td> NIL<\/td> 0.3<\/td> 0.3<\/td> 1300<\/td> 0.0002<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table>

Satcom Connections\/Mn POP \u2013 Comparison of India vis-\u00e0-vis Other Developed Countries<\/strong><\/em>
(Source: NSR 2019 www.nsr.com & TRAI Subscription Data for India December 2019)<\/strong><\/em>

While cellular backhauling is a highly important use case of satellite connectivity, with proven effectiveness in extending the reach of mobile connectivity to rural and remote areas, the advances in mobile technologies with the advent of 5G brings about new promising and innovative use cases for satellite connectivity. The earlier mentioned new TEC Standard \/Specifications for Interface Requirements for Fixed Satellite Services demolish the erstwhile artificial restrictions on carrier speeds, data rates, antenna sizes, use of Ka Band, etc. This shall now pave the way for supporting all types of Cellular and WiFi Backhaul requirements in future.

As per global estimates, one in every four USD in Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) satellite capacity revenues will be generated from 5G by the end of the decade. With 3GPP also including in its 5G specifications, the NR 5G radio interface that can connect to satellites directly, thus, going forward, we can expect market for an integrated satellite and terrestrial network infrastructure in the context of 5G. These developments also point towards the convergence of terrestrial and Satellite services. With the emergence of high capacity satellites viz. HTS and the low latency\/high bandwidth satellite communication services envisaged using LEO and MEOs, the challenge of cellular connectivity in rural, remote and geographically challenged terrains would also get solved, thereby laying the foundation of a truly ubiquitous, affordable and quality broadband network everywhere aligned to Hon\u2019ble PM\u2019s vision of Digital India and Broadband for All.

It only remains to secure the acceptance of the TRAI Recommendations by the highest policy making body in the country in communications, namely, the Digital Communications Commission, for enabling satellite based cellular & WiFi backhaul as a mainstream service for all operators benefiting rural consumers as well as the industry.","blog_img":"","posted_date":"2021-06-30 14:22:11","modified_date":"2021-06-30 15:22:36","featured":"0","status":"Y","seo_title":"Leveraging Satcom to propel mobile & WiFi backhaul","seo_url":"leveraging-satcom-to-propel-mobile-wifi-backhaul","url":"\/\/www.iser-br.com\/tele-talk\/leveraging-satcom-to-propel-mobile-wifi-backhaul\/4993","url_seo":"leveraging-satcom-to-propel-mobile-wifi-backhaul"},img_object:["","retail_files/author_1463649813_temp.jpg"],fromNewsletter:"",newsletterDate:"",ajaxParams:{action:"get_more_blogs"},pageTrackingKey:"Blog",author_list:"TV Ramachandran",complete_cat_name:"Blogs"});" data-jsinvoker_init="_override_history_url = "//www.iser-br.com/tele-talks/satcom/leveraging-satcom-to-propel-mobile-wifi-backhaul/4993";">