What connects Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, Bharatpur in Rajasthan and Mewat in Haryana<\/a>? The triangle of these three districts is fast emerging as the new “Jamtara<\/a>” – the Jharkhand city that has the dubious distinction of being the “phishing capital” of India.

UP Police cyber cell<\/a> investigations into at least 400 cases of cyber fraud in the past few months have led to this ‘triangle’ where crooks seem to specialise in blackmail based on deepfakes. Cyber cell superintendent of police Triveni Singh<\/a> says they superimpose frames of their male targets on porn clips using this technology.

“After creating fake porn videos, they call
up<\/a> the targets and blackmail them for money, anywhere in the range of Rs 5,000 to Rs 50,000. Some of them speak fluent English to trap people from well-off families in cities like Mumbai and Kolkata”.

A Lucknow-based businessman was recently targeted in a “sextortion” attempt. Soon after accepting a woman’s friend request on social media, he received a WhatsApp video call from her. During the 15-second call she snared him with seductive gestures and words. Minutes later, the businessman received another call to cough up Rs 30 lakh or see his conversation with the woman leaked on social media. The accused were traced and arrested in Mewat.
In the past one year, nearly 300 people, including a senior PCS officer, have approached the cyber cell with similar sextortion complaints. There have also been cases of people being duped while making online transactions on e-commerce sites and online marketplaces, which is the most common form of cyber fraud.

“Fraudsters keep an eye on online marketplaces like OLX, where people sell their products. They make fake accounts as army men and pose as buyers. While buying a product they trick the seller into making an online transaction through a QR code,” a senior officer associated with the cyber cell says. Vivek Ranjan Rai, another officer who has had a long association with the cyber cells of Lucknow and Noida, says sextortion and fraud through e-commerce sites don’t involve special skills, unlike the “Jamtara” scams that require engaging with and convincing the target over a longer duration.

“In such cases, criminals use a mobile application to trap their target by either luring them, or through links, or video calling. If a target blocks their number, they use another SIM to contact the person. The third and final stage is to impersonate a policeman and threaten the target,” Rai says. The scammers do their homework by scanning online advertisements. “They win the confidence of people by introducing themselves as personnel from the army or the paramilitary forces. They even give a fake badge number, battalion name, place of posting, their photograph in army uniform and identity card,” says Rai.

Scammers from Mathura and Bharatpur usually target those who post advertisements for sale or purchase of second-hand motorcycles, cars, gadgets and other things of daily use. Recently, a retired bank manager was duped of Rs 5 lakh. He had put up a month- old double-door refrigerator for sale for Rs 50,000. To appear genuine, the scammer posed as an army man and deposited Rs 100 in the victim’s account. Then he pleaded inability to transfer funds as he was stationed near the border, and asked the seller to scan the QR code he had sent to receive the payment. The ex-banker lost Rs 5 lakh on scanning the code.

Vishal Vikram Singh, additional SP with the special task force, says phones near state borders – as is the case in the border areas of UP, Haryana and Rajasthan – intermittently catch telecom networks of different states, so tracing crooks by their tower location becomes difficult.

“The tri-junction creates a ‘black spot’ of mobile networks that provides a cover to these criminals, as it becomes difficult to track the exact location of a device,” the A S P says, adding that the scammers procure SIM cards in bulk from the Northeast on fake documents and discard them frequently to dodge law-enforcement agencies.
The extortion money is also channelled through multiple payment gateways and different e-wallets to transactions, which can become difficult to trace.<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":96841843,"title":"Govt likely to dismantle DCC: Sources","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/govt-to-disband-telecom-body-dcc-finance-ministrys-doe-to-step-in\/96841843","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[{"msid":"96824546","title":"cyber_crime","entity_type":"IMAGES","seopath":"city\/lucknow\/new-jamtara-emerges-on-ups-border-with-haryana-rajasthan\/cyber_crime","category_name":"New Jamtara emerges on UP\u2019s border with Haryana, Rajasthan","synopsis":"Image used for representational purpose only","thumb":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/thumb\/img-size-480201\/96824546.cms?width=150&height=112","link":"\/image\/city\/lucknow\/new-jamtara-emerges-on-ups-border-with-haryana-rajasthan\/cyber_crime\/96824546"}],"msid":96841860,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"New Jamtara emerges on UP\u2019s border with Haryana, Rajasthan","synopsis":"What connects Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, Bharatpur in Rajasthan and Mewat in Haryana? The triangle of these three districts is fast emerging as the new \u201cJamtara\u201d \u2013 the Jharkhand city that has the dubious distinction of being the \u201cphishing capital\u201d of India.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/new-jamtara-emerges-on-ups-border-with-haryana-rajasthan","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Pathikrit Chakraborty","author_link":"\/author\/479244396\/pathikrit-chakraborty","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479244396.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479244396,"author_name":"Pathikrit Chakraborty","author_seo_name":"Pathikrit-Chakraborty","designation":"Correspondent","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":564,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":2820000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"TNN","artdate":"2023-01-09 07:48:42","lastupd":"2023-01-09 07:49:21","breadcrumbTags":["Jamtara","up","haryana","new jamtara emerges","UP Police cyber cell","Triveni Singh","Industry"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/new-jamtara-emerges-on-ups-border-with-haryana-rajasthan"}}" data-authors="[" pathikrit chakraborty"]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2023-01-09" data-index="article_1">


巴拉普尔在北方邦连接马图拉,在哈里亚纳邦拉贾斯坦邦和Mewat ?这三个地区的三角形正在迅速成为新的“Jamtara”——恰尔肯德邦城市,成为印度的“钓鱼资本”。

Pathikrit Chakraborty
  • 更新2023年1月9日07:49点坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士



“创建假的色情视频后,他们的电话向上目标和勒索金钱,在Rs 5000到50000卢比的范围。他们中的一些人说一口流利的英语陷阱来自富裕家庭的人在孟买和加尔各答等城市”。

Lucknow-based商人最近针对“性勒索”尝试。不久之后接受一个女人的朋友请求在社交媒体上,他收到了WhatsApp视频通话。在15秒的电话她就他诱人的手势和单词。分钟后,商人接到另一个电话咯Rs 30十万的或看到他跟女人在社会媒体泄露。被告在Mewat追踪并逮捕了。

“骗子像OLX留意在线市场,人们销售他们的产品。他们做假账户作为军人和冒充买家。虽然他们诱骗卖方购买产品通过二维码进行在线交易,”一位高级军官与网络相关的细胞说。Vivek Ranjan Rai,另一个军官已经联系了很长时间勒克瑙的网络细胞和诺伊达,说性勒索和欺诈通过电子商务网站不包括特殊技能,与“Jamtara”诈骗,需要参与和令人信服的目标在较长时间。


骗子和马图拉巴拉通常目标那些帖子广告出售或购买二手摩托车,汽车,日常使用的工具和其他东西。最近,一位退休的银行经理是欺骗的Rs 5十万卢比。他拿出一个月的双门冰箱出售50000卢比。真正出现,骗子冒充军人,把Rs 100受害者的账户。然后他承认无力转帐,因为他是驻扎在边境附近,并要求卖方扫描二维码发送接收付款。《失去的Rs 5十万的扫描代码。

Vishal Vikram辛格额外SP的特别工作组,说手机国界附近——一样的边境地区,哈里亚纳邦和拉贾斯坦邦——间歇地抓住电信网络的不同状态,所以跟踪骗子的塔位置变得困难。

“tri-junction创建一个“黑点”的移动网络提供了一个涵盖这些罪犯,是很难跟踪设备的确切位置,”S P说,补充说,骗子采购散装SIM卡从东北伪造文件和丢弃他们经常躲避执法机构。

  • 发表在2023年1月9日上午07:48坚持

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What connects Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, Bharatpur in Rajasthan and Mewat in Haryana<\/a>? The triangle of these three districts is fast emerging as the new “Jamtara<\/a>” – the Jharkhand city that has the dubious distinction of being the “phishing capital” of India.

UP Police cyber cell<\/a> investigations into at least 400 cases of cyber fraud in the past few months have led to this ‘triangle’ where crooks seem to specialise in blackmail based on deepfakes. Cyber cell superintendent of police Triveni Singh<\/a> says they superimpose frames of their male targets on porn clips using this technology.

“After creating fake porn videos, they call
up<\/a> the targets and blackmail them for money, anywhere in the range of Rs 5,000 to Rs 50,000. Some of them speak fluent English to trap people from well-off families in cities like Mumbai and Kolkata”.

A Lucknow-based businessman was recently targeted in a “sextortion” attempt. Soon after accepting a woman’s friend request on social media, he received a WhatsApp video call from her. During the 15-second call she snared him with seductive gestures and words. Minutes later, the businessman received another call to cough up Rs 30 lakh or see his conversation with the woman leaked on social media. The accused were traced and arrested in Mewat.
In the past one year, nearly 300 people, including a senior PCS officer, have approached the cyber cell with similar sextortion complaints. There have also been cases of people being duped while making online transactions on e-commerce sites and online marketplaces, which is the most common form of cyber fraud.

“Fraudsters keep an eye on online marketplaces like OLX, where people sell their products. They make fake accounts as army men and pose as buyers. While buying a product they trick the seller into making an online transaction through a QR code,” a senior officer associated with the cyber cell says. Vivek Ranjan Rai, another officer who has had a long association with the cyber cells of Lucknow and Noida, says sextortion and fraud through e-commerce sites don’t involve special skills, unlike the “Jamtara” scams that require engaging with and convincing the target over a longer duration.

“In such cases, criminals use a mobile application to trap their target by either luring them, or through links, or video calling. If a target blocks their number, they use another SIM to contact the person. The third and final stage is to impersonate a policeman and threaten the target,” Rai says. The scammers do their homework by scanning online advertisements. “They win the confidence of people by introducing themselves as personnel from the army or the paramilitary forces. They even give a fake badge number, battalion name, place of posting, their photograph in army uniform and identity card,” says Rai.

Scammers from Mathura and Bharatpur usually target those who post advertisements for sale or purchase of second-hand motorcycles, cars, gadgets and other things of daily use. Recently, a retired bank manager was duped of Rs 5 lakh. He had put up a month- old double-door refrigerator for sale for Rs 50,000. To appear genuine, the scammer posed as an army man and deposited Rs 100 in the victim’s account. Then he pleaded inability to transfer funds as he was stationed near the border, and asked the seller to scan the QR code he had sent to receive the payment. The ex-banker lost Rs 5 lakh on scanning the code.

Vishal Vikram Singh, additional SP with the special task force, says phones near state borders – as is the case in the border areas of UP, Haryana and Rajasthan – intermittently catch telecom networks of different states, so tracing crooks by their tower location becomes difficult.

“The tri-junction creates a ‘black spot’ of mobile networks that provides a cover to these criminals, as it becomes difficult to track the exact location of a device,” the A S P says, adding that the scammers procure SIM cards in bulk from the Northeast on fake documents and discard them frequently to dodge law-enforcement agencies.
The extortion money is also channelled through multiple payment gateways and different e-wallets to transactions, which can become difficult to trace.<\/p><\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":96841843,"title":"Govt likely to dismantle DCC: Sources","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/govt-to-disband-telecom-body-dcc-finance-ministrys-doe-to-step-in\/96841843","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[{"msid":"96824546","title":"cyber_crime","entity_type":"IMAGES","seopath":"city\/lucknow\/new-jamtara-emerges-on-ups-border-with-haryana-rajasthan\/cyber_crime","category_name":"New Jamtara emerges on UP\u2019s border with Haryana, Rajasthan","synopsis":"Image used for representational purpose only","thumb":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/thumb\/img-size-480201\/96824546.cms?width=150&height=112","link":"\/image\/city\/lucknow\/new-jamtara-emerges-on-ups-border-with-haryana-rajasthan\/cyber_crime\/96824546"}],"msid":96841860,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"New Jamtara emerges on UP\u2019s border with Haryana, Rajasthan","synopsis":"What connects Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, Bharatpur in Rajasthan and Mewat in Haryana? The triangle of these three districts is fast emerging as the new \u201cJamtara\u201d \u2013 the Jharkhand city that has the dubious distinction of being the \u201cphishing capital\u201d of India.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/new-jamtara-emerges-on-ups-border-with-haryana-rajasthan","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Pathikrit Chakraborty","author_link":"\/author\/479244396\/pathikrit-chakraborty","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479244396.cms?width=100&height=100","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479244396,"author_name":"Pathikrit Chakraborty","author_seo_name":"Pathikrit-Chakraborty","designation":"Correspondent","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":564,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":2820000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"TNN","artdate":"2023-01-09 07:48:42","lastupd":"2023-01-09 07:49:21","breadcrumbTags":["Jamtara","up","haryana","new jamtara emerges","UP Police cyber cell","Triveni Singh","Industry"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/new-jamtara-emerges-on-ups-border-with-haryana-rajasthan"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/new-jamtara-emerges-on-ups-border-with-haryana-rajasthan/96841860">