<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>By Duncan Miriri<\/strong>

NANYUKI: Kenya<\/a>'s biggest telecoms operator Safaricom<\/a> has launched a virtual payment card<\/a> with Visa Inc<\/a>, offering the more than 30 million users of its M-Pesa payments system access to global e-commerce platforms.

The M-Pesa Global Pay Visa Virtual card will allow users to securely pay for goods and services on sites like
Amazon<\/a> and Alibaba straight from their mobile phones, without the need to open accounts with the likes of PayPal.

M-Pesa, launched 15 years ago as one of the world's first mobile phone-based money transfer services, has evolved to account for roughly half of Safaricom's annual revenue. Through Visa's digital processing network its users will now get access to more than 100 million merchants across 200 countries.

Transactions will be billed at the prevailing foreign exchange rates on a daily basis, subject to the M-Pesa platform's current limits in the local Kenyan currency.

M-Pesa has a single transaction limit of 150,000 shillings ($1,285) and a daily limit double that. Users will be able to use the virtual card while travelling abroad.

Transactions on the virtual card will be secured through the generation of a unique security code, akin to the one on the back of Visa's plastic cards, which will be sent to the user's mobile phone when they are paying.

They will be required to use their M-Pesa pins every time they generate the secure code from Visa, enhancing security.

M-Pesa started life as a simple money transfer service on mobile phones, but is now used to pay for goods and services, save and borrow cash, as well as buy micro-insurance.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":91973610,"title":"Indigenous 5G tech expected to be rolled out by August 2022: Devusinh Chauhan","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/indigenous-5g-tech-expected-to-be-rolled-out-by-august-2022-devusinh-chauhan\/91973610","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":91973635,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Kenya's Safaricom, Visa offer virtual card for global transactions","synopsis":"The M-Pesa Global Pay Visa Virtual card will allow users to securely pay for goods and services on sites like Amazon and Alibaba straight from their mobile phones, without the need to open accounts with the likes of PayPal.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/kenyas-safaricom-visa-offer-virtual-card-for-global-transactions","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":240,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":981000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"Reuters","artdate":"2022-06-03 07:17:37","lastupd":"2022-06-03 07:19:19","breadcrumbTags":["Safaricom","amazon","kenya","Industry","Visa Inc","International","telecom news","virtual payment card","online payment"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/kenyas-safaricom-visa-offer-virtual-card-for-global-transactions"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2022-06-03" data-index="article_1">


m - pesa的全球支付签证虚拟卡将允许用户安全支付商品和服务在亚马逊和阿里巴巴等网站直接从他们的手机,而不需要开户的喜欢贝宝。

  • 更新在2022年6月3日07:19点坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士

NANYUKI:肯尼亚最大的电信运营商Safaricom发起了一个虚拟支付卡签证公司,提供超过3000万用户的m - pesa支付系统进入全球电子商务平台。

m - pesa的全球支付签证虚拟卡将允许用户在网站安全支付产品和服务亚马逊和阿里巴巴直接从他们的手机,而不需要开户的喜欢贝宝。

m - pesa, 15年前推出的世界上第一个基于移动电话转账服务,已经大约占Safaricom公司年度营收的一半。通过签证的数字处理网络用户将获得来自于200个国家的1亿多名商人。

交易费用将按现行汇率每天的m - pesa平台目前的限制在肯尼亚当地的货币。

m - pesa的单个事务限制150000先令(1285美元)和每日限额的两倍。用户将能够在出国旅行时使用虚拟卡。


他们需要使用他们的m - pesa针每次他们从签证生成安全的代码,提高安全性。

m - pesa的生命始于一个简单的手机转账服务,但现在用于支付商品和服务,保存并借现金,以及购买微型保险。
  • 发表在2022年6月3日上午07:17坚持

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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>By Duncan Miriri<\/strong>

NANYUKI: Kenya<\/a>'s biggest telecoms operator Safaricom<\/a> has launched a virtual payment card<\/a> with Visa Inc<\/a>, offering the more than 30 million users of its M-Pesa payments system access to global e-commerce platforms.

The M-Pesa Global Pay Visa Virtual card will allow users to securely pay for goods and services on sites like
Amazon<\/a> and Alibaba straight from their mobile phones, without the need to open accounts with the likes of PayPal.

M-Pesa, launched 15 years ago as one of the world's first mobile phone-based money transfer services, has evolved to account for roughly half of Safaricom's annual revenue. Through Visa's digital processing network its users will now get access to more than 100 million merchants across 200 countries.

Transactions will be billed at the prevailing foreign exchange rates on a daily basis, subject to the M-Pesa platform's current limits in the local Kenyan currency.

M-Pesa has a single transaction limit of 150,000 shillings ($1,285) and a daily limit double that. Users will be able to use the virtual card while travelling abroad.

Transactions on the virtual card will be secured through the generation of a unique security code, akin to the one on the back of Visa's plastic cards, which will be sent to the user's mobile phone when they are paying.

They will be required to use their M-Pesa pins every time they generate the secure code from Visa, enhancing security.

M-Pesa started life as a simple money transfer service on mobile phones, but is now used to pay for goods and services, save and borrow cash, as well as buy micro-insurance.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":91973610,"title":"Indigenous 5G tech expected to be rolled out by August 2022: Devusinh Chauhan","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/indigenous-5g-tech-expected-to-be-rolled-out-by-august-2022-devusinh-chauhan\/91973610","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":91973635,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Kenya's Safaricom, Visa offer virtual card for global transactions","synopsis":"The M-Pesa Global Pay Visa Virtual card will allow users to securely pay for goods and services on sites like Amazon and Alibaba straight from their mobile phones, without the need to open accounts with the likes of PayPal.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/kenyas-safaricom-visa-offer-virtual-card-for-global-transactions","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":240,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":981000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"Reuters","artdate":"2022-06-03 07:17:37","lastupd":"2022-06-03 07:19:19","breadcrumbTags":["Safaricom","amazon","kenya","Industry","Visa Inc","International","telecom news","virtual payment card","online payment"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/kenyas-safaricom-visa-offer-virtual-card-for-global-transactions"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/kenyas-safaricom-visa-offer-virtual-card-for-global-transactions/91973635">