<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>New Delhi: Commercial 5G<\/a> launches rebounded in the second half of 2022 as operators in developing markets turned on their networks, S&P Global<\/a> said. Kagan's 5G<\/a> Tracker lists at least 238 mobile operators serving 94 markets worldwide that had launched commercial 5G services as of year-end 2022.

Kagan is a media research group within the telecommunications, media and technology offering of S&P Global Market Intelligence.

S&P Global reported twenty-four new operators were added to this list in the second half of 2022. Africa had nine new launches in this period, the most since it began tracking 5G launches in 2018. These included Orange in Botswana,
Safaricom<\/a> in Kenya, Societe Francaise de Radiotelephone (SFR) in Reunion, MTN Group in Nigeria and Zambia, Telkom in South Africa, Vodacom Group<\/a> in Tanzania and Unitel<\/a> in Angola.

Unlike other regions, Africa has been lagging in fifth-generation mobile system (5G) deployment due to poor existing infrastructure, late 4G adoption, ambiguous regulatory oversight and a variety of economic factors that have precluded companies from investing in the new technology, according to the S&P Global report.

The African markets that have already launched commercial 5G services have done so with strong government support, especially in the release of spectrum and fostering a clear, forward-looking regulatory environment, it added.

As most operators in developed markets have already deployed commercial 5G services, S&P Global said it can expect launches in the succeeding months to come from developing markets in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, and Latin America.

Vodafone Group<\/a> remains the leading 5G operator worldwide as its recent launch in Tanzania brought its worldwide 5G footprint to 15 markets, S&P Global said. Vodafone, together with other multinational operators such as CK Hutchison Holdings and Orange SA, are shifting gears from initial non-stand-alone, or NSA, to stand-alone, or SA, deployments.

5G standalone (SA) is an implementation of 5G that solely uses a 5G core network, meaning it has no dependency on 4G LTE network control functions, for signalling and data transfer.

At least 48 operators in 30 markets worldwide had launched commercial SA 5G networks as of year-end 2022. Major operators in the US -- AT&T, DISH Network, T-Mobile US and
Verizon Communications<\/a> -- and in mainland China -- China Mobile, China Unicom<\/a> and China Telecom Corp -- have already launched SA 5G. Other markets where major operators have deployed SA 5G include Brazil, Canada, Italy, Japan, and Singapore.

The ultimate drivers for the choice of NSA 5G over SA are cost and ease of deployment. According to S&P Global, NSA is cheaper and easier to deploy since it can utilise an existing 4G core network to connect to the 5G radio access network or RAN.

In contrast, SA 5G uses a dedicated 5G core network, which requires heftier investments in new infrastructure and equipment. Deploying NSA 5G is a strategy for some operators to gauge initial demand for 5G before spending money on building an SA network.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":99329462,"title":"Telecom Italia's top investor criticises CEO bonus payment","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/industry\/telecom-italias-top-investor-criticises-ceo-bonus-payment\/99329462","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"industry"}],"related_content":[],"msid":99353190,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"238 operators serving 94 markets worldwide launched commercial 5G services till '22 year-end: S&P Global","synopsis":"Kagan is a media research group within the telecommunications, media and technology offering of S&P Global Market Intelligence.","titleseo":"industry\/238-operators-serving-94-markets-worldwide-launched-commercial-5g-services-till-22-year-end-sp-global","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":473,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":2037000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ANI","artdate":"2023-04-09 11:15:52","lastupd":"2023-04-09 11:26:01","breadcrumbTags":["S&P Global","vodafone group","vodacom group","verizon communications","unitel","unicom","safaricom","5g","5g deployment","industry"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"industry\/238-operators-serving-94-markets-worldwide-launched-commercial-5g-services-till-22-year-end-sp-global"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="Industry" data-category_id="18" data-date="2023-04-09" data-index="article_1">

238年运营商服务全球94个市场推出商业5 g服务直到22年终:标普全球


  • 更新于2023年4月9日上午11:26里坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士
新德里:商业5克在2022年下半年发射反弹运营商在发展中市场打开他们的网络,标普全球说。卡根的5克跟踪列表至少238移动运营商服务全球94个市场,截至2022年年底推出了5 g商业服务。


标普全球报道24新运营商被添加到这个列表在2022年下半年。非洲有九新发布在这个时期,最自2018年开始跟踪5 g启动。这包括橙色在博茨瓦纳,Safaricom在肯尼亚,法国法国无线电话(SFR)聚会,MTN集团在尼日利亚和赞比亚之间在南非,Vodacom集团在坦桑尼亚和联合在安哥拉。

与其他地区不同,非洲一直落后在第五代移动系统(5克)部署由于现有基础设施差,采用4 g,模棱两可的监管和各种经济因素,杜绝公司投资于新技术,根据标准普尔全球报告。

非洲市场已经推出了5 g商业服务和强有力的政府支持这样做,特别是在光谱的释放和促进一个清晰的、前瞻性的监管环境,它补充说。

像大多数发达市场的运营商已经部署商业5 g服务,标准普尔全球成功月说,它会发射来自非洲的发展中国家市场,亚太、东欧和拉丁美洲。

沃达丰集团仍然是全世界领先的5 g运营商作为其在坦桑尼亚最近推出了其全球5 g足迹15市场,标准普尔全球说。沃达丰(Vodafone)和CK等跨国运营商和记黄埔控股和橙色SA)正齿轮从最初的non-stand-alone、或国家安全局,独立,或SA,部署。

5克独立(SA)是一个实现5 g,仅仅使用一个5 g的核心网络,这意味着它没有依赖4 g LTE网络控制功能,对信号和数据传输。

至少48运营商已在全球30个市场推出商业SA 5 g网络截至2022年年底。主要的运营商——美国电话电报公司(AT&T)在美国,菜网络,t - mobile美国和威瑞森通讯在中国大陆,中国移动、中国中国联通和中国电信集团,已经推出了SA 5 g。其他市场,主要运营商部署SA 5 g包括巴西、加拿大、意大利、日本和新加坡。

国家安全局的终极驱动程序选择5 g / SA成本和易于部署。根据标准普尔全球、国家安全局更便宜和更容易部署,因为它可以利用现有的4 g核心网络连接到5 g无线接入网络或跑。

相比之下,SA 5 g使用一个专用5 g核心网络,这就需要更高的投资新的基础设施和设备。一些运营商部署国家安全局5 g是一个策略来衡量初始需求5 g在花钱之前构建一个SA网络。
  • 发布于2023年4月9日,在11:15坚持

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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>New Delhi: Commercial 5G<\/a> launches rebounded in the second half of 2022 as operators in developing markets turned on their networks, S&P Global<\/a> said. Kagan's 5G<\/a> Tracker lists at least 238 mobile operators serving 94 markets worldwide that had launched commercial 5G services as of year-end 2022.

Kagan is a media research group within the telecommunications, media and technology offering of S&P Global Market Intelligence.

S&P Global reported twenty-four new operators were added to this list in the second half of 2022. Africa had nine new launches in this period, the most since it began tracking 5G launches in 2018. These included Orange in Botswana,
Safaricom<\/a> in Kenya, Societe Francaise de Radiotelephone (SFR) in Reunion, MTN Group in Nigeria and Zambia, Telkom in South Africa, Vodacom Group<\/a> in Tanzania and Unitel<\/a> in Angola.

Unlike other regions, Africa has been lagging in fifth-generation mobile system (5G) deployment due to poor existing infrastructure, late 4G adoption, ambiguous regulatory oversight and a variety of economic factors that have precluded companies from investing in the new technology, according to the S&P Global report.

The African markets that have already launched commercial 5G services have done so with strong government support, especially in the release of spectrum and fostering a clear, forward-looking regulatory environment, it added.

As most operators in developed markets have already deployed commercial 5G services, S&P Global said it can expect launches in the succeeding months to come from developing markets in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, and Latin America.

Vodafone Group<\/a> remains the leading 5G operator worldwide as its recent launch in Tanzania brought its worldwide 5G footprint to 15 markets, S&P Global said. Vodafone, together with other multinational operators such as CK Hutchison Holdings and Orange SA, are shifting gears from initial non-stand-alone, or NSA, to stand-alone, or SA, deployments.

5G standalone (SA) is an implementation of 5G that solely uses a 5G core network, meaning it has no dependency on 4G LTE network control functions, for signalling and data transfer.

At least 48 operators in 30 markets worldwide had launched commercial SA 5G networks as of year-end 2022. Major operators in the US -- AT&T, DISH Network, T-Mobile US and
Verizon Communications<\/a> -- and in mainland China -- China Mobile, China Unicom<\/a> and China Telecom Corp -- have already launched SA 5G. Other markets where major operators have deployed SA 5G include Brazil, Canada, Italy, Japan, and Singapore.

The ultimate drivers for the choice of NSA 5G over SA are cost and ease of deployment. According to S&P Global, NSA is cheaper and easier to deploy since it can utilise an existing 4G core network to connect to the 5G radio access network or RAN.

In contrast, SA 5G uses a dedicated 5G core network, which requires heftier investments in new infrastructure and equipment. Deploying NSA 5G is a strategy for some operators to gauge initial demand for 5G before spending money on building an SA network.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":99329462,"title":"Telecom Italia's top investor criticises CEO bonus payment","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/industry\/telecom-italias-top-investor-criticises-ceo-bonus-payment\/99329462","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"industry"}],"related_content":[],"msid":99353190,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"238 operators serving 94 markets worldwide launched commercial 5G services till '22 year-end: S&P Global","synopsis":"Kagan is a media research group within the telecommunications, media and technology offering of S&P Global Market Intelligence.","titleseo":"industry\/238-operators-serving-94-markets-worldwide-launched-commercial-5g-services-till-22-year-end-sp-global","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":473,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":2037000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ANI","artdate":"2023-04-09 11:15:52","lastupd":"2023-04-09 11:26:01","breadcrumbTags":["S&P Global","vodafone group","vodacom group","verizon communications","unitel","unicom","safaricom","5g","5g deployment","industry"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"industry\/238-operators-serving-94-markets-worldwide-launched-commercial-5g-services-till-22-year-end-sp-global"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/industry/238-operators-serving-94-markets-worldwide-launched-commercial-5g-services-till-22-year-end-sp-global/99353190">