<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>Stockholm: Huawei<\/a> said Sunday it has initiated arbitration proceedings against Sweden under the World Bank Group<\/a> after the Nordic country banned the Chinese tech giant<\/a> from rolling out its 5G<\/a> products.

\"The Swedish authorities' decision to discriminate against Huawei and exclude it from the 5G rollout has significantly harmed Huawei's investment in Sweden, in breach of Sweden's international obligations,\" the Chinese company said in a statement to AFP.

The company had therefore \"initiated arbitration proceedings\" under the World Bank Group's International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (
ICSID<\/a>) \"against the Kingdom of Sweden following a number of measures taken by the Swedish authorities targeting directly Huawei's investments in Sweden and excluding Huawei from the rollout of 5G network<\/a> products and services in the country,\" Huawei added.

Huawei did not specify what damages it was seeking, but according to public broadcaster SVT, the initial sum sought was 5.2 billion Swedish kroner ($550 million, 495 million euros), but it could end up being much higher.

Following the UK in mid-2020, Sweden became the second country in Europe and the first in the EU to explicitly ban network operators from using Huawei equipment in the buildup of the infrastructure needed to run its 5G network.

Sweden also ordered Huawei to remove already installed equipment by January 1, 2025.

After an appeal from Huawei a Swedish court confirmed the decision by Sweden's Post and Telecom Authority in June 2021.

The decision strained relations between Sweden and China, with Beijing at the time warning that PTS's decision could have \"consequences\" for the Scandinavian country's companies in China, prompting Swedish telecom giant and Huawei competitor
Ericsson<\/a> to fear retaliation.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":89221172,"title":"Govt mandates storage of ISD, satphone, conference calls, messages details for 2 yrs","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/govt-mandates-storage-of-isd-satphone-conference-calls-messages-details-for-2-yrs\/89221172","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":89233779,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Huawei takes Sweden to court following 5G ban","synopsis":"\"The Swedish authorities' decision to discriminate against Huawei and exclude it from the 5G rollout has significantly harmed Huawei's investment in Sweden, in breach of Sweden's international obligations,\" the Chinese company said in a statement to AFP.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/huawei-takes-sweden-to-court-following-5g-ban","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":357,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":1515000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"AFP","artdate":"2022-01-31 07:36:18","lastupd":"2022-01-31 07:45:32","breadcrumbTags":["huawei 5g","huawei","5g","world bank group","ericsson","Chinese tech giant","G products","ICSID","5G network","telecom equipment"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/huawei-takes-sweden-to-court-following-5g-ban"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2022-01-31" data-index="article_1">

华为需要瑞典法院后5 g禁令


  • 更新2022年1月31日07:45点坚持
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该公司因此“提请仲裁”在世界银行集团的国际投资争端解决中心(工业设计联合会)“反对瑞典王国后采取的一系列措施瑞典当局直接针对华为的投资在瑞典和排除华为推出的5 g网络产品和服务,”华为补充道。


英国2020年中期之后,瑞典成为第二个国家在欧洲和欧盟的第一个明确禁止网络运营商使用华为设备的累积5 g网络运行所需的基础设施。



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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>Stockholm: Huawei<\/a> said Sunday it has initiated arbitration proceedings against Sweden under the World Bank Group<\/a> after the Nordic country banned the Chinese tech giant<\/a> from rolling out its 5G<\/a> products.

\"The Swedish authorities' decision to discriminate against Huawei and exclude it from the 5G rollout has significantly harmed Huawei's investment in Sweden, in breach of Sweden's international obligations,\" the Chinese company said in a statement to AFP.

The company had therefore \"initiated arbitration proceedings\" under the World Bank Group's International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (
ICSID<\/a>) \"against the Kingdom of Sweden following a number of measures taken by the Swedish authorities targeting directly Huawei's investments in Sweden and excluding Huawei from the rollout of 5G network<\/a> products and services in the country,\" Huawei added.

Huawei did not specify what damages it was seeking, but according to public broadcaster SVT, the initial sum sought was 5.2 billion Swedish kroner ($550 million, 495 million euros), but it could end up being much higher.

Following the UK in mid-2020, Sweden became the second country in Europe and the first in the EU to explicitly ban network operators from using Huawei equipment in the buildup of the infrastructure needed to run its 5G network.

Sweden also ordered Huawei to remove already installed equipment by January 1, 2025.

After an appeal from Huawei a Swedish court confirmed the decision by Sweden's Post and Telecom Authority in June 2021.

The decision strained relations between Sweden and China, with Beijing at the time warning that PTS's decision could have \"consequences\" for the Scandinavian country's companies in China, prompting Swedish telecom giant and Huawei competitor
Ericsson<\/a> to fear retaliation.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":89221172,"title":"Govt mandates storage of ISD, satphone, conference calls, messages details for 2 yrs","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/govt-mandates-storage-of-isd-satphone-conference-calls-messages-details-for-2-yrs\/89221172","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":89233779,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Huawei takes Sweden to court following 5G ban","synopsis":"\"The Swedish authorities' decision to discriminate against Huawei and exclude it from the 5G rollout has significantly harmed Huawei's investment in Sweden, in breach of Sweden's international obligations,\" the Chinese company said in a statement to AFP.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/huawei-takes-sweden-to-court-following-5g-ban","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":357,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":1515000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"AFP","artdate":"2022-01-31 07:36:18","lastupd":"2022-01-31 07:45:32","breadcrumbTags":["huawei 5g","huawei","5g","world bank group","ericsson","Chinese tech giant","G products","ICSID","5G network","telecom equipment"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/huawei-takes-sweden-to-court-following-5g-ban"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/huawei-takes-sweden-to-court-following-5g-ban/89233779">