<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>Barcelona: Driverless cars, fridges that talk to toasters, breathtaking immersive reality, mind-blowing gaming experiences -- 5G<\/a> was going to enable it all, and telecom companies were going to make a packet.

But the reality is not so neat. The network that promised to be \"not just another G\" in
Ericsson<\/a>'s advertising has left many customers wondering what they are paying for.

However, 5G was once again the central plank of the phone
industry<\/a>'s annual get-together, the Mobile World Congress (MWC<\/a>) in Barcelona.

The event's organisers proclaimed that 5G was \"unlocking untapped value for all players across the entire ecosystem\" and \"redefining how the world connects\".

The hype came with a dose of reality from Christel Heydemann, boss of French network Orange.

Network operators were in peril, she told the MWC, because \"massive network investments of almost 600 billion euros in Europe in the last decade happened to be hard to monetise\".

\"And consumers expect to pay always less and get more,\" she added.

Networks are not the only ones who might be rueing their big bet.

Ericsson, which supplies the equipment for 5G networks, has just laid off 8,500 people after profits slumped.

\"5G has disappointed pretty much everybody -- service providers and consumers, and it has failed to excite businesses,\" Dario Talmesio of research firm Omdia told AFP.

The ghost of 4G<\/strong>

Talmesio said 5G was never really a consumer proposition, it was always more appropriate for businesses and industrial uses.

But telecom firms were unlikely to be seduced into investing billions only to improve connectivity in factories and ports, or help develop hi-tech medical services.

Instead, they wrapped 5G in the kind of marketing that paints everything -- even small improvements -- as world-changing innovations.

Yet even now the benefits of 5G remain largely unclear to average smartphone users.

Thousands of US consumers told a survey last year that they were excited about the prospect of 5G, but when pressed they had little idea what the benefits would be.

Most listed services that were already available with 4G, the survey of 10,000 US consumers by Israeli software company ironSource found.

This summarises two of the main problems with 5G -- 4G is good enough for most people, and 5G jargon is often impenetrable.

Terms like \"low latency\", \"network slicing\", \"zero rating\" and \"massive IoT\" are unlikely to get the pulse racing.

'No limit'<\/strong>

For large parts of the industry, though, criticism of 5G is inconceivable.

Ericsson vice president
Fredrik Jejdling<\/a> dismissed the idea that poor uptake of 5G was one of the reasons for Ericsson's mass layoffs.

Instead, he explained that the firm needed \"to adjust our investment levels to the market demand\".

Ericsson gave huge floorspace at the MWC to 5G innovations and insisted there would be no compromise on research and development.

\"It is a platform for innovation. If you don't do it, you don't know what you miss out on,\" said Jejdling.

Frederique Liaigre, who runs
Verizon<\/a>'s business operation in France and other European countries, shares Jejdling's enthusiasm saying there was \"no limit\" to 5G's potential.

Verizon was among the first to roll out 5G to customers in the United States, and Liaigre concedes the business side is just getting started.

But she regards her projects -- like providing a private 5G network to the port of Southampton in Britain to improve its security and supply chain management -- as every bit as sexy as driverless cars or talking toasters.

\"It's really amazing the transformational capabilities of this technology,\" she said.

Whether regular consumers will ever be so starry-eyed about 5G is up for debate.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":98321083,"title":"Cloud computing, virtualization of telco network, fibre rollout to solve call drop issue: HCLTech CTO","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/cloud-computing-virtualization-of-telco-network-fibre-rollout-to-solve-call-drop-issue-hcltech-cto\/98321083","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":98321122,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"How 5G disappointed 'pretty much everybody'","synopsis":"But the reality is not so neat. The network that promised to be \"not just another G\" in Ericsson's advertising has left many customers wondering what they are paying for.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/how-5g-disappointed-pretty-much-everybody","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":9122,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":14461000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"AFP","artdate":"2023-03-01 07:38:35","lastupd":"2023-03-01 07:41:27","breadcrumbTags":["5G","mwc","ericsson","fredrik jejdling","5G services","Industry","International","MWC23","Ericsson 5G","Verizon"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/how-5g-disappointed-pretty-much-everybody"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2023-03-01" data-index="article_1">



  • 更新2023年3月1日07:41点坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士




炒作现实一些,来自Christel Heydemann,法国网络橙色的老板。




爱立信,供应设备5 g网络,刚刚解雇了8500人后利润下滑。

“5 g失望几乎每个人,服务提供者和使用者,未能激发企业,”达里奥Talmesio研究公司Omdia告诉法新社。

4 g的鬼魂



相反,他们包装5 g的营销描绘的一切——甚至小的改进——改变世界的创新。

然而,即使现在5 g的好处在很大程度上仍不清楚一般的智能手机用户。

成千上万的美国消费者去年的一项调查说,他们5 g的前景感到兴奋,但当敦促他们几乎没有知道的好处。

大多数上市服务,已经使用4 g, 10000年美国消费者的调查,以色列软件公司ironSource发现。

这个总结5克的两个主要问题——4 g是足够好的对大多数人来说,和5 g术语往往是令人费解的。



的大部分行业,5 g的批评是不可想象的。

爱立信公司副总裁弗雷德里克·Jejdling否认吸收差5 g的原因之一是爱立信的大规模裁员。


爱立信在发出邀请函给巨大的面积5 g创新和坚持就没有妥协的研究和发展。


Frederique Liaigre,威瑞森的业务操作在法国和其他欧洲国家,股票Jejdling热情说有“没有限制”5 g的潜力。

Verizon是最早推出5 g客户在美国,和Liaigre承认业务才刚刚开始。

但她认为项目——比如提供一个私人5 g网络在英国南安普顿港,以改善其安全性和供应链管理——一样性感无人驾驶汽车或烤面包机。


普通消费者是否会太过分乐观的大约5 g是辩论。
  • 发布于2023年3月1日07:38点坚持

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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>Barcelona: Driverless cars, fridges that talk to toasters, breathtaking immersive reality, mind-blowing gaming experiences -- 5G<\/a> was going to enable it all, and telecom companies were going to make a packet.

But the reality is not so neat. The network that promised to be \"not just another G\" in
Ericsson<\/a>'s advertising has left many customers wondering what they are paying for.

However, 5G was once again the central plank of the phone
industry<\/a>'s annual get-together, the Mobile World Congress (MWC<\/a>) in Barcelona.

The event's organisers proclaimed that 5G was \"unlocking untapped value for all players across the entire ecosystem\" and \"redefining how the world connects\".

The hype came with a dose of reality from Christel Heydemann, boss of French network Orange.

Network operators were in peril, she told the MWC, because \"massive network investments of almost 600 billion euros in Europe in the last decade happened to be hard to monetise\".

\"And consumers expect to pay always less and get more,\" she added.

Networks are not the only ones who might be rueing their big bet.

Ericsson, which supplies the equipment for 5G networks, has just laid off 8,500 people after profits slumped.

\"5G has disappointed pretty much everybody -- service providers and consumers, and it has failed to excite businesses,\" Dario Talmesio of research firm Omdia told AFP.

The ghost of 4G<\/strong>

Talmesio said 5G was never really a consumer proposition, it was always more appropriate for businesses and industrial uses.

But telecom firms were unlikely to be seduced into investing billions only to improve connectivity in factories and ports, or help develop hi-tech medical services.

Instead, they wrapped 5G in the kind of marketing that paints everything -- even small improvements -- as world-changing innovations.

Yet even now the benefits of 5G remain largely unclear to average smartphone users.

Thousands of US consumers told a survey last year that they were excited about the prospect of 5G, but when pressed they had little idea what the benefits would be.

Most listed services that were already available with 4G, the survey of 10,000 US consumers by Israeli software company ironSource found.

This summarises two of the main problems with 5G -- 4G is good enough for most people, and 5G jargon is often impenetrable.

Terms like \"low latency\", \"network slicing\", \"zero rating\" and \"massive IoT\" are unlikely to get the pulse racing.

'No limit'<\/strong>

For large parts of the industry, though, criticism of 5G is inconceivable.

Ericsson vice president
Fredrik Jejdling<\/a> dismissed the idea that poor uptake of 5G was one of the reasons for Ericsson's mass layoffs.

Instead, he explained that the firm needed \"to adjust our investment levels to the market demand\".

Ericsson gave huge floorspace at the MWC to 5G innovations and insisted there would be no compromise on research and development.

\"It is a platform for innovation. If you don't do it, you don't know what you miss out on,\" said Jejdling.

Frederique Liaigre, who runs
Verizon<\/a>'s business operation in France and other European countries, shares Jejdling's enthusiasm saying there was \"no limit\" to 5G's potential.

Verizon was among the first to roll out 5G to customers in the United States, and Liaigre concedes the business side is just getting started.

But she regards her projects -- like providing a private 5G network to the port of Southampton in Britain to improve its security and supply chain management -- as every bit as sexy as driverless cars or talking toasters.

\"It's really amazing the transformational capabilities of this technology,\" she said.

Whether regular consumers will ever be so starry-eyed about 5G is up for debate.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":98321083,"title":"Cloud computing, virtualization of telco network, fibre rollout to solve call drop issue: HCLTech CTO","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/cloud-computing-virtualization-of-telco-network-fibre-rollout-to-solve-call-drop-issue-hcltech-cto\/98321083","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":98321122,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"How 5G disappointed 'pretty much everybody'","synopsis":"But the reality is not so neat. The network that promised to be \"not just another G\" in Ericsson's advertising has left many customers wondering what they are paying for.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/how-5g-disappointed-pretty-much-everybody","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":9122,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":14461000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"AFP","artdate":"2023-03-01 07:38:35","lastupd":"2023-03-01 07:41:27","breadcrumbTags":["5G","mwc","ericsson","fredrik jejdling","5G services","Industry","International","MWC23","Ericsson 5G","Verizon"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/how-5g-disappointed-pretty-much-everybody"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/how-5g-disappointed-pretty-much-everybody/98321122">