<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>New Delhi: The digital divide between rural and urban areas has been widening, with smartphone sales in smaller towns and villages stagnating at 35-40% of total since mid-2021 amid rising prices and few takers for 5G devices.

Two independent research studies have found that a spending weakness has resulted in slowdown in smartphone sales in rural areas, with the top-tier cities still constituting a major proportion of smartphone sales. However, inflation has not dented data consumption in the rural regions.

In 2022, 35-40% of the 122 million smartphones sold in the country were bought in rural India, according to research firm IDC<\/a> India. The share remained consistent in the first quarter of 2023, with 37.2% of the 24 million smartphone sales recorded in rural areas.

In the January-March quarter, only about three of every 10 5G smartphones sold in the country found takers in rural India,
IDC<\/a> India found.

Navkendar Singh, associate vice president at IDC India, said that although the rural-urban split is not linear across the country, the rural share was growing till mid-2021 before stagnating at 35-40% of total sales.

As per a survey conducted by
IIFL Securities<\/a> in villages along the Mumbai-Nashik highway in Maharashtra, increasing smartphone prices have dented sales, with the best-selling phones falling in the Rs 10,000-15,000 price range.

Although the retailers surveyed had stocked
Reliance Jio<\/a>’s 4G smartphone, sales remained poor despite a 25% price cut from the originally listed price of Rs 6,499, the report said, adding that the sales were robust in 2018 and 2019 but have slowed to a trickle now.

“Some retailers stated that since Jio now sells the phone at Rs 3,000 to the retailer, end-user pricing is still much higher than 2G handsets, making affordability a challenge,” said
IIFL Securities<\/a>.

IDC’s Singh said the rural and suburban areas adjoining the major cities still have demand for 2G and 4G feature phones, primarily because of the higher pricing of 4G models and the convenience of using feature phones over smartphones.

“Rural users find feature phones more convenient to use for voice calls due to a low cost of ownership, longer lasting batteries. The uneducated masses, especially females, find smartphones more complicated to use,” Singh said.

The IIFL Securities report corroborates this, saying users have not returned the 4G feature phone launched by Jio after three years of use, despite the option to get back the Rs 1,500 security deposit that had to be paid by the customers to purchase.

The phenomenon is in sharp contrast to urban areas where increasing demand for 5G smartphones has driven up the average selling prices (ASP) to an all-time high of $265 (about Rs 21,000), as per IDC. The research firm said the share of higher-priced smartphones (above $600) increased to 11% compared to 4% a year ago, while 5G smartphones constituted 45% of all shipments in the first quarter of 2023, up from 35% in the previous quarter.

IIFL Securities also surveyed stores in Mumbai and found that users saw tangible benefits in 5G over 4G in the form of a lack of buffering while watching videos. The report said increasing smartphone prices have been cushioned in urban areas like Mumbai with the availability of financing schemes.

In addition, the absence of 5G networks in villages has restricted the appeal of 5G handsets.

“Also, the limited use cases and higher ASP of 5G devices will restrict the growth of 5G handsets in rural areas for some time, despite network availability,” Singh said.

IIFL Securities said “rising smartphone prices have dented sales, but mobile top-ups have also not seen any slowdown despite the macro weakness, since connectivity is a basic need”.

It said most rural consumers go for tariff plans offering 1.5GB data per day, with the daily data limit consumed on YouTube and social media, and more recently, watching IPL matches on their mobiles.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":100567614,"title":"Read Apple\u2019s email to users on shutting down My Photo Stream for iPhone","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/devices\/read-apples-email-to-users-on-shutting-down-my-photo-stream-for-iphone\/100567614","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"devices"}],"related_content":[],"msid":100578576,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Rural user hangs up on smartphone-buying plans","synopsis":"In 2022, 35-40% of the 122 million smartphones sold in the country were bought in rural India, according to research firm IDC India. The share remained consistent in the first quarter of 2023, with 37.2% of the 24 million smartphone sales recorded in rural areas.","titleseo":"devices\/rural-user-hangs-up-on-smartphone-buying-plans","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Subhrojit Mallick","author_link":"\/author\/479244756\/subhrojit-mallick","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479244756.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479244756,"author_name":"Subhrojit Mallick","author_seo_name":"Subhrojit-Mallick","designation":"Correspondent","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":853,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":3298000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2023-05-29 07:28:59","lastupd":"2023-05-29 07:29:01","breadcrumbTags":["smartphone purchase","rural smartphone buyers","rural smartphone users","IDC","IIFL Securities","technology news","Reliance Jio"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"devices\/rural-user-hangs-up-on-smartphone-buying-plans"}}" data-authors="[" subhrojit mallick"]" data-category-name="Devices" data-category_id="12" data-date="2023-05-29" data-index="article_1">


2022年,35 - 40%的1.22亿部智能手机销售的国家买了在印度农村地区,据研究公司IDC印度。保持一致的比例在2023年第一季度,以37.2%的2400万年智能手机销量记录在农村地区。

Subhrojit Mallick
  • 更新2023年5月29日上午07:29坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士
新德里:城乡之间的数字鸿沟扩大,与智能手机销量在较小的城镇和村庄停滞在35 - 40%的总自2021年中期以来在为5 g设备价格上涨和寥寥无几。


2022年,35 - 40%的1.22亿部智能手机销售的国家买了在印度农村地区,据研究公司国际数据公司(IDC)印度。保持一致的比例在2023年第一季度,以37.2%的2400万年智能手机销量记录在农村地区。

1季度,只有三个每10 5 g智能手机销售的国家发现接受者在印度农村,国际数据公司(IDC)印度发现。

副副总裁Navkendar辛格IDC印度,说,虽然全国城乡分割不是线性的,农村份额增长直到2021年代中期之前总销售额的停滞在35 - 40%。

根据一项调查IIFL证券在马哈拉施特拉邦Mumbai-Nashik公路沿线村庄中,越来越多的智能手机价格影响销售,最畅销的手机落在Rs 10000 - 15000价格区间。

虽然受访零售商库存依赖Jio的4 g智能手机销量仍然贫穷,尽管最初上市价格降价25%的Rs 6499年,这份报告说,补充说,在2018年和2019年销量强劲但现在大为减少。

“一些零售商表示,自Jio现在卖电话的Rs 3000到零售商,终端用户的定价仍远高于2 g手机,使购买力一个挑战,”说IIFL证券

IDC的辛格说,农村和城市郊区毗邻主要城市仍有对2 g和4 g功能手机的需求,主要是因为4 g的更高的定价模型和使用智能手机上的功能手机的便利。


IIFL证券报告印证了这一点,说用户没有返回4 g功能手机发起Jio经过三年的使用,尽管选择回到Rs 1500押金,必须由客户支付购买。

现象形成鲜明对比的城市地区增加5 g智能手机需求推高了平均销售价格(ASP)的历史高点265美元(约合21000 Rs),根据IDC。研究公司说高价智能手机(600美元以上)的比例比一年前的4%增加到11%,而5 g智能手机构成45%的出货量在2023年第一季度,高于前一季度的35%。

IIFL证券还对孟买和商店发现用户看到实实在在的利益在5 g / 4 g的形式缺乏缓冲在看视频。报告称,越来越多的智能手机价格一直在缓冲城市像孟买融资方案的可用性。

此外,没有5 g网络在农村已经限制了5 g手机的吸引力。

”同时,有限的用例和更高的ASP 5 g设备将限制5 g手机在农村地区的增长一段时间,尽管网络可用性,”辛格说。


据说大多数农村消费者去关税计划每天提供1.5 gb数据,与日常数据限制在YouTube上消耗和社交媒体,而最近,手机上看联赛比赛。
  • 发表在2023年5月29日07:28点坚持

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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>New Delhi: The digital divide between rural and urban areas has been widening, with smartphone sales in smaller towns and villages stagnating at 35-40% of total since mid-2021 amid rising prices and few takers for 5G devices.

Two independent research studies have found that a spending weakness has resulted in slowdown in smartphone sales in rural areas, with the top-tier cities still constituting a major proportion of smartphone sales. However, inflation has not dented data consumption in the rural regions.

In 2022, 35-40% of the 122 million smartphones sold in the country were bought in rural India, according to research firm IDC<\/a> India. The share remained consistent in the first quarter of 2023, with 37.2% of the 24 million smartphone sales recorded in rural areas.

In the January-March quarter, only about three of every 10 5G smartphones sold in the country found takers in rural India,
IDC<\/a> India found.

Navkendar Singh, associate vice president at IDC India, said that although the rural-urban split is not linear across the country, the rural share was growing till mid-2021 before stagnating at 35-40% of total sales.

As per a survey conducted by
IIFL Securities<\/a> in villages along the Mumbai-Nashik highway in Maharashtra, increasing smartphone prices have dented sales, with the best-selling phones falling in the Rs 10,000-15,000 price range.

Although the retailers surveyed had stocked
Reliance Jio<\/a>’s 4G smartphone, sales remained poor despite a 25% price cut from the originally listed price of Rs 6,499, the report said, adding that the sales were robust in 2018 and 2019 but have slowed to a trickle now.

“Some retailers stated that since Jio now sells the phone at Rs 3,000 to the retailer, end-user pricing is still much higher than 2G handsets, making affordability a challenge,” said
IIFL Securities<\/a>.

IDC’s Singh said the rural and suburban areas adjoining the major cities still have demand for 2G and 4G feature phones, primarily because of the higher pricing of 4G models and the convenience of using feature phones over smartphones.

“Rural users find feature phones more convenient to use for voice calls due to a low cost of ownership, longer lasting batteries. The uneducated masses, especially females, find smartphones more complicated to use,” Singh said.

The IIFL Securities report corroborates this, saying users have not returned the 4G feature phone launched by Jio after three years of use, despite the option to get back the Rs 1,500 security deposit that had to be paid by the customers to purchase.

The phenomenon is in sharp contrast to urban areas where increasing demand for 5G smartphones has driven up the average selling prices (ASP) to an all-time high of $265 (about Rs 21,000), as per IDC. The research firm said the share of higher-priced smartphones (above $600) increased to 11% compared to 4% a year ago, while 5G smartphones constituted 45% of all shipments in the first quarter of 2023, up from 35% in the previous quarter.

IIFL Securities also surveyed stores in Mumbai and found that users saw tangible benefits in 5G over 4G in the form of a lack of buffering while watching videos. The report said increasing smartphone prices have been cushioned in urban areas like Mumbai with the availability of financing schemes.

In addition, the absence of 5G networks in villages has restricted the appeal of 5G handsets.

“Also, the limited use cases and higher ASP of 5G devices will restrict the growth of 5G handsets in rural areas for some time, despite network availability,” Singh said.

IIFL Securities said “rising smartphone prices have dented sales, but mobile top-ups have also not seen any slowdown despite the macro weakness, since connectivity is a basic need”.

It said most rural consumers go for tariff plans offering 1.5GB data per day, with the daily data limit consumed on YouTube and social media, and more recently, watching IPL matches on their mobiles.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":100567614,"title":"Read Apple\u2019s email to users on shutting down My Photo Stream for iPhone","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/devices\/read-apples-email-to-users-on-shutting-down-my-photo-stream-for-iphone\/100567614","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"devices"}],"related_content":[],"msid":100578576,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Rural user hangs up on smartphone-buying plans","synopsis":"In 2022, 35-40% of the 122 million smartphones sold in the country were bought in rural India, according to research firm IDC India. The share remained consistent in the first quarter of 2023, with 37.2% of the 24 million smartphone sales recorded in rural areas.","titleseo":"devices\/rural-user-hangs-up-on-smartphone-buying-plans","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[{"author_name":"Subhrojit Mallick","author_link":"\/author\/479244756\/subhrojit-mallick","author_image":"https:\/\/etimg.etb2bimg.com\/authorthumb\/479244756.cms?width=100&height=100&hostid=268","author_additional":{"thumbsize":true,"msid":479244756,"author_name":"Subhrojit Mallick","author_seo_name":"Subhrojit-Mallick","designation":"Correspondent","agency":false}}],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":853,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":3298000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"ETTelecom","artdate":"2023-05-29 07:28:59","lastupd":"2023-05-29 07:29:01","breadcrumbTags":["smartphone purchase","rural smartphone buyers","rural smartphone users","IDC","IIFL Securities","technology news","Reliance Jio"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"devices\/rural-user-hangs-up-on-smartphone-buying-plans"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/devices/rural-user-hangs-up-on-smartphone-buying-plans/100578576">