<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>THE HAGUE: ASML Holding NV<\/a> said on Saturday it understood progress had been made towards an agreement among several governments on new restrictions on semiconductor manufacturing<\/a> equipment exports to China.

ASML, a key supplier to
chipmakers<\/a>, has been restricted from selling its most advanced tools to China since 2019.

Tensions between the United States and China over semiconductors have steadily worsened since then, prompting Washington in October to impose export restrictions on its own
chip manufacturing<\/a> equipment companies.

\"It is our understanding that steps have been made towards an agreement between governments which, to our understanding, will be focused on advanced
chip manufacturing<\/a> technology, including but not limited to advanced lithography tools,\" ASML said.

The Dutch company added that the measures were not expected to have a material impact on its 2023 financial forecasts.

\"Before it will come into effect it has to be detailed out and implemented into legislation which will take time,\" the company said.

Its statement follows a Bloomberg report on Friday that said the United States, Japan and the Netherlands had reached an agreement following months of talks.
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  • 更新2023年1月28日下午04:42坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士
海牙:ASML Holding NV周六表示,理解一些政府之间达成协议已经取得了进展新限制半导体制造设备出口到中国。






  • 发表在2023年1月28日下午04:38坚持

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<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>THE HAGUE: ASML Holding NV<\/a> said on Saturday it understood progress had been made towards an agreement among several governments on new restrictions on semiconductor manufacturing<\/a> equipment exports to China.

ASML, a key supplier to
chipmakers<\/a>, has been restricted from selling its most advanced tools to China since 2019.

Tensions between the United States and China over semiconductors have steadily worsened since then, prompting Washington in October to impose export restrictions on its own
chip manufacturing<\/a> equipment companies.

\"It is our understanding that steps have been made towards an agreement between governments which, to our understanding, will be focused on advanced
chip manufacturing<\/a> technology, including but not limited to advanced lithography tools,\" ASML said.

The Dutch company added that the measures were not expected to have a material impact on its 2023 financial forecasts.

\"Before it will come into effect it has to be detailed out and implemented into legislation which will take time,\" the company said.

Its statement follows a Bloomberg report on Friday that said the United States, Japan and the Netherlands had reached an agreement following months of talks.
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