FILE PHOTO: Logo of an Apple store is seen in Washington, U.S., January 27, 2022. REUTERS\/Joshua Roberts\/<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>San Francisco: At least 73 per cent of the representatives said that tech giant Apple<\/a> gained the most switchers while only 16 per cent goes to Samsung<\/a> in the US, says a report.

According to new data from US carrier channels, at least 43 per cent of the representatives said that they would switch from
Android<\/a> to iOS based on software, while 51 per cent added that the overall rate of switching between the two OS was about even, reports GizmoChina.

Only 5 per cent chose Android over iOS.

This indicates that Apple is getting a lion's share of smartphone brand switchers. The
iPhone<\/a> recorded a 66 per cent market share for AT&T<\/a>, 60 per cent at Verizon<\/a>, and 57 per cent at T-Mobile<\/a> respectively.

This is said to be better than the previous years, the report said.

The iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro series that debuted in October last year are still selling better than the past generations of Apple smartphones.

Across all carrier channels, the iPhone 13 was the top model with a 25 per cent share in May followed by the iPhone 13 Pro Max with 16 per cent and iPhone 13 Pro with 13 per cent.

The iPhone 13 Mini clocked a 2 per cent share whereas other iPhones accounted for 4 percent. Carrier representatives added that the iPhone SE 3 sales were weak.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":92304452,"title":"Telecom Diary: Will telcos bid aggressively for 5G spectrum at a high reserve price?","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/telecom-diary-will-telcos-bid-aggressively-for-5g-spectrum-at-a-high-reserve-price\/92304452","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":92313128,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Apple gains huge share of smartphone brand switchers in US","synopsis":"According to new data from US carrier channels, at least 43 per cent of the representatives said that they would switch from Android to iOS based on software, while 51 per cent added that the overall rate of switching between the two OS was about even, reports GizmoChina.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/apple-gains-huge-share-of-smartphone-brand-switchers-in-us","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":151,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":568000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"IANS","artdate":"2022-06-19 10:38:29","lastupd":"2022-06-19 10:43:02","breadcrumbTags":["Apple","samsung","Devices","Apple iPhones","iPhone","Android","at&t","t-mobile","verizon"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/apple-gains-huge-share-of-smartphone-brand-switchers-in-us"}}" data-authors="[" "]" data-category-name="" data-category_id="" data-date="2022-06-19" data-index="article_1">


根据美国航母的新数据通道,至少43%的代表表示,他们会转向Android iOS软件的基础上,而51%的补充说,总体率大约两个操作系统之间的切换,GizmoChina报告。

  • 更新在2022年6月19日是9月24日10时43分
阅读: 100年行业专业人士
< p >文件照片:苹果商店的标志是在华盛顿的美国,2022年1月27日。路透/约书亚·罗伯茨/ < / p >

根据美国航母的新数据通道,至少43%的代表表示,他们会转向安卓根据软件iOS, 51%补充说,总体率大约两个操作系统之间的切换,GizmoChina报告。

只有5%的人选择Android / iOS。

这表明苹果智能手机品牌转换的最大份额。的iPhone记录的66%的市场份额美国电话电报公司(AT&T),60%的威瑞森,57%的在t - mobile分别。


iPhone 13和iPhone 13 Pro系列去年10月首次仍比过去一代又一代的苹果手机卖得好。

所有运营商渠道,iPhone 13是顶级模特以25%的份额紧随其后的是iPhone 5月13 Pro马克斯和iPhone 13个专业分别增加了16%和13%。

iPhone 13迷你以2%的份额而其他iPhone占4%。航空公司代表补充说,iPhone SE 3销售疲软。
  • 发表在2022年6月19日上午10:38在坚持

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FILE PHOTO: Logo of an Apple store is seen in Washington, U.S., January 27, 2022. REUTERS\/Joshua Roberts\/<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>San Francisco: At least 73 per cent of the representatives said that tech giant Apple<\/a> gained the most switchers while only 16 per cent goes to Samsung<\/a> in the US, says a report.

According to new data from US carrier channels, at least 43 per cent of the representatives said that they would switch from
Android<\/a> to iOS based on software, while 51 per cent added that the overall rate of switching between the two OS was about even, reports GizmoChina.

Only 5 per cent chose Android over iOS.

This indicates that Apple is getting a lion's share of smartphone brand switchers. The
iPhone<\/a> recorded a 66 per cent market share for AT&T<\/a>, 60 per cent at Verizon<\/a>, and 57 per cent at T-Mobile<\/a> respectively.

This is said to be better than the previous years, the report said.

The iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro series that debuted in October last year are still selling better than the past generations of Apple smartphones.

Across all carrier channels, the iPhone 13 was the top model with a 25 per cent share in May followed by the iPhone 13 Pro Max with 16 per cent and iPhone 13 Pro with 13 per cent.

The iPhone 13 Mini clocked a 2 per cent share whereas other iPhones accounted for 4 percent. Carrier representatives added that the iPhone SE 3 sales were weak.
<\/body>","next_sibling":[{"msid":92304452,"title":"Telecom Diary: Will telcos bid aggressively for 5G spectrum at a high reserve price?","entity_type":"ARTICLE","link":"\/news\/telecom-diary-will-telcos-bid-aggressively-for-5g-spectrum-at-a-high-reserve-price\/92304452","category_name":null,"category_name_seo":"telecomnews"}],"related_content":[],"msid":92313128,"entity_type":"ARTICLE","title":"Apple gains huge share of smartphone brand switchers in US","synopsis":"According to new data from US carrier channels, at least 43 per cent of the representatives said that they would switch from Android to iOS based on software, while 51 per cent added that the overall rate of switching between the two OS was about even, reports GizmoChina.","titleseo":"telecomnews\/apple-gains-huge-share-of-smartphone-brand-switchers-in-us","status":"ACTIVE","authors":[],"analytics":{"comments":0,"views":151,"shares":0,"engagementtimems":568000},"Alttitle":{"minfo":""},"artag":"IANS","artdate":"2022-06-19 10:38:29","lastupd":"2022-06-19 10:43:02","breadcrumbTags":["Apple","samsung","Devices","Apple iPhones","iPhone","Android","at&t","t-mobile","verizon"],"secinfo":{"seolocation":"telecomnews\/apple-gains-huge-share-of-smartphone-brand-switchers-in-us"}}" data-news_link="//www.iser-br.com/news/apple-gains-huge-share-of-smartphone-brand-switchers-in-us/92313128">