Bengaluru: A Bengaluru customer took a cellular service provider to court after it failed to refund him Rs 20, which he had shelled out to recharge his prepaid sim, only to be told later that the package plan had been scrapped. The consumer forum ordered Bharti Airtel<\/a> Limited to refund the man Rs 20, apart from paying him Rs 1,000 for illegal trade practices and the trouble caused.

Doddakannelli resident AM
Hussain Shareef<\/a> holds an Airtel<\/a> prepaid number and often recharged it for Rs 49. On August 4, 2021 the talk time on his sim was exhausted. With his daily work disrupted, Shareef on August 7, 2021, topped up his Rs 49 plan with Rs 20. The online recharge was completed and he received a talk time of Rs 14.95, which was confirmed through an SMS on his phone. But much to his dismay, his incoming and outgoing calls remained barred and he soon received another text saying the Rs 20 recharge for the prepaid service was invalid.

The Bengalurean reached out to Airtel’s customer care and was informed the Rs 49 plan which he’d been using for a while was suspended and he must opt for the Rs 79 plan for his phone to be activated. An enraged Shareef approached Airtel representatives in Bengaluru, but got poor response. Realising the service provider didn’t plan to refund him Rs 20 remitted towards prepaid recharge, Shareef approached Bangalore Rural and Urban 1st additional district consumer disputes redressal forum at
Shantinagar<\/a> with a complaint against Bharti Airtel, alleging deficiency in service.

In a litigation that commenced last November, the Bengaluru customer presented his case on his own. He raised a query as to how Airtel’s system could receive the sum when there was no such plan and a recharge wasn’t possible.

Despite the customer sending a legal notice to Bharti Airtel, the firm remained absent throughout the court proceedings and was considered ex parte. Following almost five months of litigation, judges of the Bengaluru consumer court noted that from the email correspondence between the customer and the service provider, it was evident that Airtel had accepted receiving Rs 20 and also informed the customer that there was no validity for the said amount and that he has to pay Rs 79 to reactivate this prepaid account. “When this is taken into consideration, it is the bounden duty of Airtel to refund Rs 20 to the complainant, which it failed to do. Hence, there is deficiency in service on part of the service provider and unfair trade practice in retaining Rs 20, which is the customer’s money,” the court said.

In a verdict pronounced on April 5, 2022, Bharti Airtel Limited was directed to refund Rs 20 to the customer, apart from paying him Rs 500 towards damages and an additional Rs 500 towards court expenses.

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  • 更新2022年5月2日,上午07:26坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士

班加罗尔:班加罗尔客户将移动电话服务提供商告上法庭后,未能退款他20卢比,他花了给他的预付sim卡,后来却被告知,一揽子计划已经取消。消费者论坛命令Bharti Airtel限于退还Rs 20人,除了给他Rs 1000非法贸易行为和造成的麻烦。

Doddakannelli居民是侯赛因Shareef拥有一个附近的旅馆预付费号码和经常充电Rs 49。2021年8月4日的通话时间sim筋疲力尽。与他的日常工作中断,Shareef 8月7日,2021年,超过了他的Rs与Rs 49计划20。在线充电完成后,他收到了14.95 Rs的通话时间,这是通过手机短信确认。但令他失望的是,他的传入和传出的电话仍然禁止,他很快收到另一个文本说的Rs 20充电预付服务是无效的。

Bengalurean伸出Airtel的客户关怀和被告知Rs 49计划,他一直在使用一段时间暂停,他必须选择Rs 79计划他的电话被激活。被激怒的Shareef走近Airtel在班加罗尔的代表,但不良反应。意识到服务提供者不打算退款他Rs 20对预付充电汇出,Shareef走近班加罗尔农村和城市1额外的地区消费者纠纷修正论坛ShantinagarBharti Airtel与投诉,指控缺乏服务。


尽管客户发送一个法律通知Bharti Airtel公司仍然缺席整个诉讼,被认为是片面的。近五个月的诉讼后,班加罗尔消费者法院法官指出,从客户和服务提供者之间的电子邮件通信,很明显Airtel接受接受20卢比也告诉客户,没有有效的数量和说,他不得不支付79卢比重新激活这个预付帐户。“当这是考虑的天职Airtel向原告退还Rs 20,它没有做到的。因此,缺乏服务的一部分,服务提供者和不公平的贸易做法保留Rs 20,这是客户的钱,”法院说。

在判决宣布4月5日,2022年,Bharti Airtel有限是直接向客户退还Rs 20,除了给他Rs 500 Rs 500年向法院对损失和额外的费用。

  • 发布于2022年5月2日07:24点坚持

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Bengaluru: A Bengaluru customer took a cellular service provider to court after it failed to refund him Rs 20, which he had shelled out to recharge his prepaid sim, only to be told later that the package plan had been scrapped. The consumer forum ordered Bharti Airtel<\/a> Limited to refund the man Rs 20, apart from paying him Rs 1,000 for illegal trade practices and the trouble caused.

Doddakannelli resident AM
Hussain Shareef<\/a> holds an Airtel<\/a> prepaid number and often recharged it for Rs 49. On August 4, 2021 the talk time on his sim was exhausted. With his daily work disrupted, Shareef on August 7, 2021, topped up his Rs 49 plan with Rs 20. The online recharge was completed and he received a talk time of Rs 14.95, which was confirmed through an SMS on his phone. But much to his dismay, his incoming and outgoing calls remained barred and he soon received another text saying the Rs 20 recharge for the prepaid service was invalid.

The Bengalurean reached out to Airtel’s customer care and was informed the Rs 49 plan which he’d been using for a while was suspended and he must opt for the Rs 79 plan for his phone to be activated. An enraged Shareef approached Airtel representatives in Bengaluru, but got poor response. Realising the service provider didn’t plan to refund him Rs 20 remitted towards prepaid recharge, Shareef approached Bangalore Rural and Urban 1st additional district consumer disputes redressal forum at
Shantinagar<\/a> with a complaint against Bharti Airtel, alleging deficiency in service.

In a litigation that commenced last November, the Bengaluru customer presented his case on his own. He raised a query as to how Airtel’s system could receive the sum when there was no such plan and a recharge wasn’t possible.

Despite the customer sending a legal notice to Bharti Airtel, the firm remained absent throughout the court proceedings and was considered ex parte. Following almost five months of litigation, judges of the Bengaluru consumer court noted that from the email correspondence between the customer and the service provider, it was evident that Airtel had accepted receiving Rs 20 and also informed the customer that there was no validity for the said amount and that he has to pay Rs 79 to reactivate this prepaid account. “When this is taken into consideration, it is the bounden duty of Airtel to refund Rs 20 to the complainant, which it failed to do. Hence, there is deficiency in service on part of the service provider and unfair trade practice in retaining Rs 20, which is the customer’s money,” the court said.

In a verdict pronounced on April 5, 2022, Bharti Airtel Limited was directed to refund Rs 20 to the customer, apart from paying him Rs 500 towards damages and an additional Rs 500 towards court expenses.

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