Star India<\/a>-controlled Novi Digital Entertainment<\/a>, which operates the Disney+ Hotstar<\/a> streaming platform, sold its US business to Buena Vista Video on Demand (BVVOD), a unit of Walt Disney<\/a>, for Rs 178.13 crore.

Hotstar<\/a>, which was called Hotstar in the US, exited the market in 2021. Walt Disney’s BVVOD is a leading distributor of movies in the Video-On-Demand arena.

According to
Novi Digital<\/a> Entertainment's FY22 filing sourced by Tofler, the company also received Rs 41.59 crore due to write-back of deferred income relating to Hotstar US subscribers taken over by BVVOD.

In FY22,
Novi Digital recognised an exceptional income of Rs 219.72 crore<\/a> due to the sale of Hotstar’s US operations and the write-back of deferred income.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022, the company recorded 93% growth in its total turnover of Rs 3,220.41 crore and a 43% reduction in net loss to Rs 343.16 crore.

Ad revenue zoomed 103% to Rs 1684.31 crore while subscription revenue surged 65% to Rs 1373.61 crore.

In August 2021, Walt Disney said Hotstar's content will migrate to its ESPN+ and Hulu streaming platforms in the US.

Hotstar's sports content moved to ESPN+ while the entertainment content was shifted to Hulu, a subscription-based streaming service in which Comcast holds 33%.

The decision was part of Disney's strategy to consolidate its content into its streaming bundle that comprised Disney+, ESPN+ and Hulu.

Disney+ Hotstar, which had 61.3 million paid subscribers as of October 1, 2022, is available in India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.

The average monthly revenue per paid subscriber for Disney+ Hotstar increased from $0.68 to $0.88 driven by higher per-subscriber advertising revenue and increases in retail pricing.

Disney+ Hotstar offers more than 100,000 hours of content spanning TV shows, Disney+ originals, Hotstar Specials, movies in eight languages, and sports.

The platform’s live sports catalogue comprises Indian Premier League (TV rights), International Cricket Council (digital rights), Cricket Australia, and the Indian cricket team’s home matches, among others.

As of March 31, 2022,
Star India<\/a> held 78.07% of Novi Digital Entertainment<\/a> while the remaining 21.93% was owned by Star US Holdings<\/a> Subsidiary LLC.

In April 2020, Star India and
Star US Holdings<\/a> infused Rs 1,113.76 crore in Novi Digital<\/a> Entertainment. According to Tofler, Star India had invested Rs 869.47 crore while Star US Holdings Subsidiary LLC injected Rs 244.29 crore.
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沃尔特·迪斯尼BVVOD Rs 178.13支付收购Hotstar的美国商业

迪斯尼+ Hotstar,这被称为Hotstar在美国,在2021年退出了市场。迪斯尼的BVVOD电影在视频点播领域的主要经销商。

Javed Farooqui
  • 更新2023年1月9日上午07:29坚持
阅读: 100年行业专业人士


根据诺维数码娱乐的FY22 Tofler申请采购,该公司还收到41.59卢比由于递延收入的回写有关Hotstar BVVOD接管了美国用户。


截至2022年3月31日的财政年度,该公司93%的增长记录的总营业额3220 .41点卢比和减少43%的净亏损343.16卢比。


2021年8月,迪斯尼说Hotstar Hulu的内容将迁移到ESPN +和流媒体平台在美国。

Hotstar体育内容搬到ESPN +娱乐内容转移到Hulu,基于订阅的流媒体服务,康卡斯特公司持有33%。

这个决定是迪斯尼的战略的一部分,巩固其内容流束由迪斯尼+,ESPN +和Hulu。

迪斯尼+ Hotstar, 6130万付费用户10月1日,2022年,在印度、印尼、马来西亚和泰国。

每付费用户平均每月收入为迪斯尼+ Hotstar从0.68美元增加到0.88美元由更高的用户为广告收入和增加零售定价。

迪斯尼+ Hotstar提供超过100000小时的内容包括电视节目、迪士尼+原件,Hotstar特价,电影在八种语言,和运动。



  • 发表在2023年1月9日07:28点坚持

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Star India<\/a>-controlled Novi Digital Entertainment<\/a>, which operates the Disney+ Hotstar<\/a> streaming platform, sold its US business to Buena Vista Video on Demand (BVVOD), a unit of Walt Disney<\/a>, for Rs 178.13 crore.

Hotstar<\/a>, which was called Hotstar in the US, exited the market in 2021. Walt Disney’s BVVOD is a leading distributor of movies in the Video-On-Demand arena.

According to
Novi Digital<\/a> Entertainment's FY22 filing sourced by Tofler, the company also received Rs 41.59 crore due to write-back of deferred income relating to Hotstar US subscribers taken over by BVVOD.

In FY22,
Novi Digital recognised an exceptional income of Rs 219.72 crore<\/a> due to the sale of Hotstar’s US operations and the write-back of deferred income.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022, the company recorded 93% growth in its total turnover of Rs 3,220.41 crore and a 43% reduction in net loss to Rs 343.16 crore.

Ad revenue zoomed 103% to Rs 1684.31 crore while subscription revenue surged 65% to Rs 1373.61 crore.

In August 2021, Walt Disney said Hotstar's content will migrate to its ESPN+ and Hulu streaming platforms in the US.

Hotstar's sports content moved to ESPN+ while the entertainment content was shifted to Hulu, a subscription-based streaming service in which Comcast holds 33%.

The decision was part of Disney's strategy to consolidate its content into its streaming bundle that comprised Disney+, ESPN+ and Hulu.

Disney+ Hotstar, which had 61.3 million paid subscribers as of October 1, 2022, is available in India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.

The average monthly revenue per paid subscriber for Disney+ Hotstar increased from $0.68 to $0.88 driven by higher per-subscriber advertising revenue and increases in retail pricing.

Disney+ Hotstar offers more than 100,000 hours of content spanning TV shows, Disney+ originals, Hotstar Specials, movies in eight languages, and sports.

The platform’s live sports catalogue comprises Indian Premier League (TV rights), International Cricket Council (digital rights), Cricket Australia, and the Indian cricket team’s home matches, among others.

As of March 31, 2022,
Star India<\/a> held 78.07% of Novi Digital Entertainment<\/a> while the remaining 21.93% was owned by Star US Holdings<\/a> Subsidiary LLC.

In April 2020, Star India and
Star US Holdings<\/a> infused Rs 1,113.76 crore in Novi Digital<\/a> Entertainment. According to Tofler, Star India had invested Rs 869.47 crore while Star US Holdings Subsidiary LLC injected Rs 244.29 crore.
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